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It was almost at the end of lunch, when Ms.Lopez (the school nurse) came to wake me up.

"Oh, sweetie, are you still sleeping? I told you to get up twenty minutes ago! You've pretty much missed your lunch."

"Oh, fuck," I groaned, getting up from the bed. She raised her eyebrow and I sheepishly smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to swear."

Ms.Lopez broke into a bright grin and nodded. "It's fine. I won't tell."

Jason gave me a judgmental look as I walked into his classroom, and I tried my best to keep a smile on my face — despite feeling irritated by the look on his face.

I felt a little more refreshed after the nap, and managed to get a bit of work done.

"Do you have to stay after school today?" I asked, as the dismissal bell rang.

"No, we can go straight to the apartments and move whatever stuff's left," Jason said, grabbing his laptop and keys.

"Whatever's left?" I echoed.

"Yeah, Elliot moved all of his stuff and yours and a few things of mine over already. I think we'll only need to make one trip."

Jason's apartment had a few boxes by the door, but otherwise, everything else was cleaned off. I felt myself gag when I spotted Alena stretched out on the couch.

"Ba-abe, are you back?" she called out.

She turned around and rolled her eyes when she spotted me.

"We're moving the last bits and pieces over," he told her, as he grabbed two boxes.

"Wait, is she coming with us?" I frowned, looking at Alena's snobby face. 

"Don't be rude," Jason scolded. "And no, she's staying here for the rest of the month."

"She has a name," Alena snapped.

Jason sighed and motioned for me to pick up the last box. 

"She seems to have a lot of attitude for a hobo," I muttered.

"Jessica! Apologize!" Jason snapped, just as Alena opened her mouth to retort something.

"Sorry," I mumbled. I waited for a moment before adding, "Can we go now?"

Jason let out another sigh, but nodded. I opened the door and walked out, waiting for Jason to follow me. When I turned back, I saw him pushing off Alena — who was trying her best to get a kiss.

"Aww, rejected," I laughed. "Sorry, sorry!" I gleefully shouted, as Jason opened his mouth to probably yell at me.

"How fucking immature," Alena sneered, shooting me glares.

"How fu-"

"Enough," Jason growled. "Let's go."

I happily carried my boxes out to Jason's car — glad to win at least one fight.

"You said you'd behave," Jason reminded me, raising an eyebrow as we sat in his car.

"Not with her," I protested.

"Behaving doesn't have conditions. You either do or you don't. And you weren't behaving inside," he sternly lectured.

"Sorry. I'll behave from now on," I promised, but we both knew it wouldn't last long.

We reached the new house after 15 minutes of driving, and I was absolutely in love.

We reached the new house after 15 minutes of driving, and I was absolutely in love

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