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The car ride home was silent and miserable. 

When we reached home, Elliot was in the living room, working on something. He looked up at me, and I instantly felt guilty when I saw the disappointment and sadness in his eyes.

"Upstairs, Jessica. Now," Jason ordered.

"Jason, please!" I begged. "I'll behave, I swear!"

"Go upstairs, Jessica. It'll be much worse if I have to drag you up," he warned.

I took one last look at Elliot — who had gone back to doing whatever he was doing — before giving up and heading up the stairs. 

I flopped onto my bed, wondering how I'd be able to get out of this mess. 

There really was no way. Jason was way too angry to possibly forget about this.

He came into my room, five minutes later, holding his belt in his hand. My stomach churned as I saw the horrid object.


"Don't even try," Jason growled. "We are both beyond disappointed in you," he continued, making me feel even worse. "Eric has done horrible things to plenty of girls in the school, and gotten away with even more. I told you to stay away from him for a reason, and I don't understand why you can't just listen."

I stayed silent, allowing Jason to drag out this punishment with his lecture.

"You should not be hanging out with any guy, let alone someone who's been suspended for spreading nude pictures of girls."

My head shot up at this comment. That.. was disgusting. Eric had the bad boy features, but he didn't seem like someone who'd go that far. 

"I.. didn't know," I admitted.

"But you did know that I told you not to hang out with him and you still chose to do so. Bend over the bed."

"Jason, I'm sorry! I-"

"Stop. Bend over the bed, now," he growled.

"Jason, no!" 

"Jessica, last warning. I know you won't like it if I have to hold you down."

I gave up and turned around, bending over the bed and letting out a silent string of curses. I clenched my eyes shut and waited for the pain to start.


Jason let the burning settle for a bit before smacking my butt with the belt again.


I was crying by the tenth lick, and sobbing by the fifteenth. I lost count afterwards, and was thankful when Jason finally stopped.

To say that my butt hurt would be an understatement. It was on fire, and I instantly began rubbing it as I stood up, tears falling down my face.

Jason tried patting my back to calm me down but I angrily pushed him away. He took a step back and sighed, still frowning.

"You're apologizing to Elliot for manipulating him, understand?"

I stayed silent, and looked away.

"Jessica, do I really need to teach you another lesson?" Jason asked, gritting his teeth.

"No," I muttered.

"Take a few minutes to calm down and then go and apologize to Elliot, got it?"


Jason took one more hard look at me before leaving my room. 

I laid on my bed, stomach first, still crying. I wished I could've taken the belt out of Jason's hands and beat his dumb face up. See how he'd like it.

I didn't realize when I drifted off to sleep, and was woken up a few hours later by loud noises coming from downstairs.

I got up and stood at the staircase, watching Alena and Jason argue. 

"I don't even understand why you thought coming here would be a good idea," Jason hissed.

"What else was I supposed to do? Maybe if you would pick up your fucking phone, we wouldn't be having this argument," Alena shot back.

"Alena, I asked for time! I ne-"

"You've had plenty of time! I'm not going to let you ruin my life, Jason! You can't tell me that the last two years of our life was just a waste!"

"I'm not sayi-"

"What else are you saying, huh?" Alena interrupted. "Because that's exactly what I'm hearing!"

"Maybe get a hearing aid, then," I retorted, as I walked by the feuding couple. 

"Jessica, mind your own business," Jason snapped.

Yeah, just like you minded your business with me and Eric.

"It's all because of her, isn't it? Ever since your so-called sister entered into the picture, you've been treating me like shit," Alena accused. 

Jason groaned and rubbed his temples. 

"You can't act like shit and expect to not be treated like shit," I laughed, before quickly walking into Elliot's study and closing the door. 

I could hear Jason angrily call my name, but I ignored it — gingerly sitting down opposite of Elliot instead. I let out a hiss as my ass made contact with the cushioned seat.

"That wasn't very nice," he mused, his back still facing me.

I felt my smile quickly disappear as I realized I had to apologize to Elliot now.

"El, I'm really sorry," I blurted out.

Elliot turned around to face me, but stayed silent. I guessed that I was supposed to say more, so I continued.

"I didn't mean to manipulate you, it kinda just happened."

Elliot let out a sarcastic laugh. "Right."

"I'm sorry, El, I really am," I pleaded, just wanting him to forgive me so we could move on.

"You realize sorry doesn't fix everything, right? You broke my trust today," Elliot said, quietly.

I felt my stomach churn at Elliot's words. He was the only one I could really count on, and definitely the last person I ever wanted to hurt.

"I won't do anything like that again, I swear," I promised. "I didn't realize that Eric was... such a douchebag."

"It's not about Eric, Jess," Elliot sighed. "It's about you continuously disobeying us. When we tell you something, it's for your own good. I try to calm Jason down when you come up in his face with your attitude. I try to get you more privileges around here. I try to get Jason to trust you more. I've been on your side this whole time, because I know you've had it rough. I want to see you happy, babe, but also healthy and safe."

"I know," I mumbled. "I'm sorry, El, really."

Elliot pursed his lips tightly and seemingly held back another sigh. "I appreciate the apology, hun."

I got up to give Elliot a hug, squeezing him tightly until he let out a laugh. He kissed the top of my head. 

All of a sudden, Jason threw the office door open. 

"What the hell is this?" he barked, holding up my phone screen. 

I winced as I saw that Ben had texted me about Cassidy's hair incident. 

I was a goner.

Pieces - (Spanking)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें