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a.n: sorry for the late update. i realize it's been over a month since the last one. life is shitty and hectic, and things got in the way. 

i'm not really sure if this book is spiking enough interest. i think i may have to take time to go back and edit things before continuing. let me know your opinions?

The rest of the weekend flew by, much to my dismay.

I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday.

Monday morning rolled along, and I felt like throwing a shoe at Jason's face when he came to wake me up.

"What time did you sleep?" he asked, as he saw me almost fall asleep in my bowl of cereal.

"Like, one am," I yawned. "Maybe later." 

"Why were you up so late?"

I was up all night texting Eric, but I sure as hell couldn't tell Jason that. 

"Studying. Calculus is kicking my butt," I lied, getting up to put my dishes away before I could be interrogated any further.

"Well, I'm glad to see you putting in more effort," Jason said, almost making me feel guilty. 



We got to school much too early for my taste, and I wandered around the hallways for a little while, before getting glares casted at me by Stephanie and her possy. They didn't really scare me, but I didn't feel like getting into another fight with them, so I decided to go to class early.

When first period began, Ben was one of the first people to enter the classroom. He made sure to keep his gaze on the board and away from me for the entire class. It probably would've irritated me more if Samaira wasn't in the class with me. Thanks to her, I wasn't the loner anymore and could do just fine without Ben's company. 

I did miss his dorky grin — just a little bit.

In Calculus, Eric came in late, with two coffees in hand.

"Mr.Cheng, I don't remember when the administration began excusing tardies for you to come and go as you please," Mrs.Jones drawled, as Eric took his seat without handing her a late slip.

Eric shrugged, handing me a coffee. "What can I say, Mrs.J? They love me."

She rolled her eyes, walking over to hand him a detention slip. He took it and shoved it in his pocket, and waited until she turned around to flip her off — making the rest of the class break into chuckles. 

I raised an eyebrow at his childish antics. He looked at my expression and lost his smug smirk, and mouthed an apology. 

I found it a bit cute that he cared enough to apologize. If only he cared enough to come on time for class in the first place. 

Eric and I sat together in the library for our study block, making sure to be out of Jason's sight. 

I was 100% sure that it was Eric's first time in the library.

"This is what you do?" he asked, watching me ruffle through the pages of my Chemistry textbook, trying to finish up my lab report.

"Yes? What do you do during your study block?"

"Take a break? Go hang out, take a long drive, get some food, get some sleep," Eric listed off.

"What about your attendance? Don't you get marked absent for not checking in with the librarian?" I asked.

Eric shrugged. "Who knows. My dad's donates a lot of money to the school, so they usually don't give a shit."

It sounded kind of good to not have to report to anyone and do whatever you wanted.

When I thought about it, it sounded a lot like my life before I moved in with Jason and Elliot. 

My parents didn't give two shits about whether or not I went to school. I mean, I did go to school, but only to escape the fights and screaming that would take place at home. Otherwise, I could have died in my own bedroom and my parents wouldn't even have realized. 

The only time Dad paid attention to me was when he was uber drunk, and that was the type of attention no one would ever want. 

Maybe having people that cared wasn't that bad after all.

Eric snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Earth to Jess. You want food or not? I'm going to grab some lunch."

"Yeah, sure. I'll wait here," I answered, not wanting another ass beating from Jason for leaving the school with Eric. 

I'd had enough of those for a lifetime. 


When we finally came home, I was ecstatic to see that Elliot had finally returned.

"Elliot! You're back," I cheered, giving him a hug as I walked into his office.

"Hey munchkin! Sit down and tell me how everything was when I was away. How was the party?" 

"No, you first. I want to hear about your business trip," I insisted. 

I realized after catching Elliot and his girlfriend in his room that I really didn't know a whole ton about him — or at least, that he knew much more about me and my life than I did about his.

"Well, it was a few nights in New York. I'm trying to expand my businesses into the states, and it's a little tricky with all the legalities."

"Wow, New York sounds cool. Did you get to sightsee?"

"Yeah, I went with, uhh," Elliot stopped mid-sentence, his smile fading.

"With what?"

"With, uh, Mahi. My, um, girlfriend," he coughed.

Right. Mahi.

"That's cool," I responded, trying to show him that I was really over the whole tantrum that occured the first time I found out about her. "You guys hang out a lot?"

"Yeah, she works with me for the majority of my businesses, so she accompanies me on a lot of the work-related trips I go on."

"Cool," I said, not sure how to continue.

"She really wants to meet you," Elliot said, a bit gentle as if he was worried about my reaction.

"Yeah, I don't know about that."

Once I'd meet Mahi (and obviously have to act like I'm all dandy with her being around), it would mean that she'd hang out with Elliot more and more, even at home. He was already gone enough with all his business trips, I didn't feel like sharing his attention at home as well. 

It was stupid and selfish for me to think this way, but I was just fine with things the way they were now. 

"Alright," Elliot said, seemingly holding back a sigh. I could tell he was disappointed by my response. "Your turn. Tell me about how things were while I was away."

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