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When we arrived at school, there was only five minutes until class would start. I began walking fast to make it in time, when Jason grabbed me by the collar of the shirt and yanked me back.

"Oww! What the hell?"

"Don't cuss!" he scolded.

"Hell is not a swear, it's a location."

Jason sighed. "Come and find me during your study block. You have to write Stephanie an apology letter."


"Stephanie," Jason repeated, rather impatiently. I must have still looked puzzled because he continued, "The girl that you got into a fight with yesterday? And broke her nose?"

"Ohh.. Is her name Stephanie?"

"Yes, and you need to apologize. Come to my room during your study block," he commanded, and turned to go to his classroom.

"Wait, I don't know where your room is!" I yelled after him, but he didn't stop.


When third block came around, I somehow managed to make my way to Jason's classroom, and to my horror, I realized that he would be my Chemistry teacher for the semester.

"You teach Chemistry?" I asked, in disbelief.

"Yeah. Now sit down and let's get started on this letter," he stonily said.

"Lucky" for me, Jason had his prep block in the same time I had my study block.

I plopped onto the chair and Jason raised his eyebrow.

"What?" I spat.

"Just get some paper out and drop the attitude," Jason snapped.

"I don't want to do this," I huffed.

"Then you shouldn't have gotten into a fight."

"Why don't I get an apology letter? She called me a bitch."

Jason gritted his teeth and I could tell I was on thin ice.

"Because she didn't break your nose or get physical."

"So that makes it okay?"

"Jessica, stop with these dumb questions and get to work. You don't have a choice in this, and if you wanted to use your time doing something else then you shouldn't have punched her."

"This is stupid," I grumbled, as I started doodling on the page in front of me.

Jason glared at me. "Strike one."


"I said, strike one," Jason repeated. "Three strikes and you're out."

"And what does "out" mean?"

"Well I've already taken your phone away, so in this case it means grounded for a week and a spanking."

"No," I protested, quickly sitting up in the seat. "Not a spanking."

"Then get to work."

I internally groaned as Jason went back to doing work on his laptop and I was left with no other choice but to start writing the dumb letter.

Fifteen minutes later, I finally finished.

"I'm done."

"Really? Let me see."

Jason took the paper out of my hands and started reading. I could see the anger racing in his eyes, and I gulped, rethinking my choice of words.

"What is this? "I'm sorry that you don't have the ability to fight back for yourself."? Really, Jessica? Do you really think this is appropriate?" Jason hissed, gradually increasing his voice.

"Fine, I'll do another one," I groaned, reaching for the letter. Jason held it out of my reach.

"No, first you're going to get punished for wasting fifteen minutes of my time."

"What?" I yelped. "That doesn't even make sense! It was my time, not yours!"

"You're grounded for the next three days. Argue with me and I'll add a spanking."

I stared at him, appalled. 

"You're being so unreasonable!" I exclaimed.

"Do not raise your voice at me," Jason warned. "Strike two."

I picked up my stuff and stormed out of the room. 

"Jessica! Don't you dare leave!" Jason shouted after me.

I ignored him and slammed the classroom door shut. I headed straight for the library with tears in my eyes. Where did I get myself stuck?


"How's it going?" 

"Horrible," I grumbled.

"You really couldn't have stayed for one more class?" Elliot asked, raising his eyebrow.

"No, I could not," I snapped.

"Hey, watch the tone. I don't like attitude either," Elliot scolded. I sighed and laid my head on the window, wishing Elliot would just drive us home already.

"Can we please go?"

"I'd really appreciate if you could try and stay for the rest of the day, Jess."

I had called Elliot from the school office phone after my argument with Jason and begged him to come pick me up. I refused to go to that bastard's class. 

"Please, I don't want to."

"And what? You expect me to pick you up every day at lunch so you can skip Jason's class?"

"No. I'll just skip his class. You don't have to pick me up."

"Absolutely not," Elliot firmly said.

"Elliot, did you drive all the way here to try and convince me to go to class?"

"Yes, but now I am straight-up telling you. You have to go. Maybe I am coddling you too much."

"Coddling me? Really?" I angrily asked. Elliot opened his mouth to say more but I quickly jumped out of the car and grabbed my stuff.

"Jessie, are you going to class?" he called out.

I ignored him, and ran in the direction of the school. Elliot probably assumed that I'd suck it up and go to class, but there was no way I'd sit in the same room as Jason.


When I finally stopped walking, there was probably only around twenty minutes left of school. I had reached some kind of lake, and I sat on the side, wondering what to do next.

I couldn't go back to the boys' place - Jason would surely beat my ass and Elliot would be upset too. I only had twenty dollars on me, and that definitely wasn't enough to catch a ride out of the town and start over. I couldn't stay at the lake much longer either, it would get dark and I didn't want to know what kind of people would show up here at night.

I sat and pondered when all of a sudden, I felt a firm hand grasp my shoulder. I whipped my head around to see Elliot's angry face. 

Uh oh. 

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