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Some time later, I fell asleep and Elliot left me alone in my room. 

When I woke up, I immediately let out a yelp, as I accidentally rolled onto my ass. 

That was definitely the hardest spanking of my life. 

I was nervous to go downstairs and face Jason, so I decided to stay in my room for as long as possible and stay away from him. 

But of course, I could never have what I want. 

A hard, rapid series of knocks hit the front of my bedroom door. I didn't have to guess to know who it was. 

"Ye-ah?" I called out.

Jason came in, looking just as serious and stern as the day he picked me up from the bus stop. 

I uncomfortably used my left leg to prop my butt up at an angle where my butt wasn't in contact with anything. I probably looked ridiculous.

Jason took a seat on the armchair in front of me. 

There was complete silence for a few minutes, and in that moment I wanted nothing but to be able to go back in time and stop myself from even talking to Jared. 

Stupid, stupid, stupid Jessica. 

"I don't even know where to begin," Jason finally said, leaning back in the chair and rubbing his forehead. 

I remained quiet, tracing the patterns on my duvet. 

"This is serious, do you realize that, Jessica? You paid a guy to chop off someone else's hair, just because you didn't like her. Who does that?!" 

"No, it wasn't just that!" I protested. 

The sudden courage I had to face Jason quickly died down when his expression darkened. 

"Then what else? What drove you to do something so stupid and impulsive?"

"They started it. They spread my phone number to creeps and I kept getting gross messages from strangers, so I... I don't know. I know it was dumb," I admitted.

"Why couldn't you just come and tell us?"

"You hated my guts! How do you expect for me to have felt comfortable telling you about this when you were spanking me for every little thing that I did?" I argued.

Jason sighed, and I got the feeling that I may have raised a valid point.

"Fine, Jessica. I get that we weren't on the best of terms back then. I know I mistreated you and that you weren't comfortable with me. I'm shocked that you lied to Elliot about it too, but whatever — let's just say that that's between you and him. But you need to understand that nothing like this should ever happen again. You have a problem with someone, leave them alone. If they're bothering you, come and tell us. Got it?" 

I reluctantly nodded. 

Jason began getting up to leave, but then seemed to remember something and sat back down.

"Elliot told me that you said you talked to Eric even after I told you not to."

I internally groaned. I forgot about that.

"Yeah. Only a few times."

I held back the apology that almost came out. I was tired of saying sorry.

"Stay away from him. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but he's bad news."

I nodded, again.

"And...for what it's worth, I owe you an apology," Jason said, surprising me.


"I know that the incident with Cassidy was partly my fault. You weren't comfortable with telling me you were having issues. Of course, I don't believe that getting revenge was the right choice, but I understand why you didn't come to me about it. And I'm sorry for making you feel like you were alone in this."

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