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Jason nodded and cleared his throat. 

"You'll be going over to Ben's today? Or will he be coming over?"

I contemplated what to say. I could continue to argue and refuse to do the project, but my ass was burrrninnggg. 

"I don't know," I mumbled. 

"Alright. Well, find him at lunch and figure out a plan," Jason said, before ordering me to finish up my homework in his classroom.


Lunch came by sooner than I wanted it to.

I tightly held onto the money Jason had given me as I stood in line in the cafeteria. 

I spotted Stephanie and her minions near the front of the line, and thankfully they didn't see me. I didn't want to ever talk to her again after giving her that sappy apology letter.


I whipped my head around to see Ben grinning behind me. It took everything in me to hold back a groan. 


"Mr.Morris said to come find you. He said you'd do the project with me."

I took a moment to examine Ben. He better not have been snarky otherwise he'd be the next victim for a broken nose. 

"Yeah. I will," I huffed. 

"Alright, soo you'll come over today?" he asked, ignoring my blatant attitude. 

"I guess," I mumbled, as the line moved forward. 

"Cool. Wanna sit together for lunch and come up with some ideas so we can get straight to work at my house?" 

I didn't want to. Not at all. But I'd much rather sit with Mr.Dork over here than by myself. 


Ben stayed behind me as we both got our lunches and headed over to an empty table. 

"So I had an idea about how we could do a presentation about the American Dream, and how it was different in the 1920's compared to now. What do you think?"

"Sounds perfect," I grumbled, not really caring.

Ben raised an eyebrow at my comment, finally catching on that I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Gosh, why are you so irritated all the time?"

"You irritate me," I truthfully answered, glaring at him.

"How?!" he exclaimed, catching a few stares from students sitting nearby. "I haven't done anything but be nice to you!"

"And I don't want you to be nice to me!" 

"You want me to be a jerk?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I want you to go die in a hole," I spat, before taking my lunch and storming out of the cafeteria. 

Of course, I just had to run into Jason.

"What's wrong?" he asked, stopping me on my way to the library. 

"You! You and Ben and everyone else on this dumb planet," I snapped, pushing past Jason.

Jason grabbed a hold of my wrist, not letting me go any further. 

"Wanna calm down and try that again?" 

"Just leave me alone," I groaned, trying to break free of his grip — my throat already closing from Jason's tight grip. 

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