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It must have been half past 7 when Elliot came to wake me up.

"Feeling better, babe?"

I nodded, sitting up to see that Jason was also in the room. I felt my stomach flip flop.

Elliot cleared his throat, obviously sensing the tension in the room. "You guys should probably talk. I'll go an-"

"No!" I shouted, reaching for Elliot. Sure, I probably looked like a baby, but Elliot made me feel safe and loved. "Stay," I pleaded.

Elliot gave an unsure glance to Jason before reluctantly taking a seat on the bed beside me.

There was an awkward silence in the room as I waited for Jason to say something.

"Jessica, I don't even know where to start," he finally said.

"Alright, then. Goodbye," I chirped, flopping back onto the bed.

Elliot groaned and forced me to sit back up. 

"Don't act like a brat," Elliot warned.

I looked back at Jason who now had his lips pursed in a tight line.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"I'm so sick and tired of fighting you, Jessica. The fact that you have to disobey and go against everything I ask you to do — it's exhausting," Jason said. 

Tears pricked my eyes. Great, here I was — tiring out another person.

"All I'm asking is for you to try and behave, and stop fighting me all the time," he continued. "I don't like spanking you, but you don't listen in any other way. I'm trying to look out for you and make up for the eight years I've lost of your life, but you just make it so... impossible."

Elliot noticed my change in mood, and started rubbing my back, giving Jason the stink eye to shut up.

"We got approved to move into our new house a few weeks earlier than originally planned, baby. We want to move the stuff in tomorrow afternoon. So, I think what Jason is trying to ask for is a new start in our new home," Elliot gently explained.

"Yes. A new start," Jason chimed in.

"Alright," I mumbled.

"This means no more arg-"

"Jason, I think she gets it," Elliot interrupted, glaring at Jason.

Jason nodded and simply watched as I contemplated what to say.

"I'll behave," I sighed, knowing that wasn't all Jason wanted to hear.

"And about what happened toda-"

"I won't skip again," I interrupted.

Jason pressed his lips into a tight line again, and nodded.

"Good. I brought your stuff back here so make sure to do your homework as well. And be ready tomorrow by eight."


Jason shuffled around for another few seconds, before heading out of the room. 

I collapsed back into bed, reaching for a pillow.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Elliot asked, playfully smacking my thigh.

"I'm tired," I groaned.

"You heard boss man. Get up and finish some of your homework while I order dinner," Elliot instructed, pulling me up so I'd be sitting up straight.

He tossed me my backpack and gave me a fake glare before leaving the room.


After dinner, I had more homework to finish. Skipping my study block sure didn't seem like much of a hot idea when I had double of the homework to catch up on. 

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