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Jason was waiting for me at 10:30 exactly that night.

"Well? How was it?" he asked, as I hopped into his car.

"Fun. I, um, wanted to say thanks. For letting me go."

He nodded in response, and we spent the rest of the ride home in semi-comfortable silence.

We entered the house and I noticed that Elliot still wasn't home.

"Elliot's gone for a few days. He had some business stuff he had to handle," Jason explained, probably noting my confusion.

"Oh, okay," I said, slipping off my shoes and walking up the stairs to retreat into my bedroom.

"Hey, Jess," Jason called out, making me turn around and stop. "Elliot said you like to tell him about how your day went and stuff. You wanna talk?" he asked.

I didn't really feel like it, but I could tell that Jason was really trying to make an effort, so I gave in.

"Sure, I guess. Nothing much happened today," I said, taking a seat on the stairs.

"You made new friends right? I saw you hanging out with them yesterday at lunch."

"Yeah, I did. Samaira, Laila, and Jenny," I listed off. "Jenny's kind of annoying, but Samaira and Laila are cool."

I won't lie, I kind of felt warm and fuzzy at the fact that Jason was taking an interest in my life.

"That's good. Samaira's pretty bright, maybe you can ask her for help with Calculus," Jason said.

There he goes, turning the conversation sour in a matter of seconds.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I'm doing fine in my classes, Jason. I don't need anyone's help."

"Alright, alright, calm down. It was just a suggestion. You get upset too fast."

"Me?" I repeated, in disbelief. "You're the one who hits me at the first chance you get."

"Hit you? I do not hit you, Jessica," Jason firmly stated. "When you do things that I've explicitly told you not to, then yes, I do think you deserve to be punished and I think a sore butt is more effective than taking away your phone or grounding you."

"I think I'm too old for you to treat me like that," I argued.

"Once you start acting like your age, I'll start treating you like your age."

"That's not how it works!" I protested. "How can you expect me to act my age when you're not giving me chances to prove myself?" 

Jason let out a sigh.

"Why do you feel the need to turn everything into an argument, Jessica? I've given you countless opportunities to prove that you're responsible and capable of being mature, but you somehow screw things up. You punched Stephanie in the face, ran away twice, skipped classes, manipulated Elliot, hung out with a guy I specifically told you not to, argue-"

"Alright," I interrupted. "Great conversation. Thanks," I said, standing up to leave.

"Jessica, just listen for once," Jason sighed, making me stop in my tracks again.

I turned back and reluctantly leaned on the wall, as Jason rubbed his temples.

"I didn't bring up all of that stuff to belittle you. I mean, that wasn't my intention. I guess we're both alike in the sense that we do everything possible to win an argument."

"Yeah, I guess so," I mumbled.

"I want you to know that I really am trying my best, okay? There's a whole bunch of stuff you do that honestly gets on my nerves, but I'm trying to be reasonable."

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