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I went to the bathroom to clean my face up, not wanting to show up to Ben with my eyes red and my nose running. 

I was just about to leave when I ran into who I recognized to be one of Stephanie's minions.

"Oh, look. It's the whore," she snarled.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I groaned, too tired of everyone around me today to come up with a decent comeback.  

"Who do you think you are, skimping around with Eric?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Why is it any of your business?" 

She threw back her head to break into a laugh. 

"Stay away from him. He's Stephanie's ex."

Well, Eric sure left that detail out. 

"Yeah, key word being ex," I said, rolling my eyes and pushing past her before she could say anything back. 

I went and found Ben sitting at our usual table, waiting for me.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, as I took a seat across from him. 

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know.. your brother looked pretty angry," he said, studying my face.

I rolled my eyes. "He's always angry about something."

Ben nodded, and dropped the topic. We worked on the project for the rest of lunch, and I sullenly walked to Chemistry afterwards. I had tried texting Elliot to see if I could get out of going, but the jerk said to suck it up. 

Jason shot me subtle glares throughout the entire class that made me nervously shift in my seat. I really, really, REALLY wouldn't be able to survive another spanking. 

The dismissal bell rang, and I watched as all of my classmates loudly exited the building. I stayed seated, waiting for Jason to say something.

He waited until the last person had left the classroom to walk over and shut the door. My heart was thumping, but I tried to act calm as he walked back to my desk. 

"I have a staff meeting I have to go to now. You will stay here and work on your homework," he instructed. 

"Okay," I mumbled.

"You will not leave. Understood?" he asked, arching an eyebrow. 

"Yeah," I sighed. 

"Good. Now, give me your phone. You're obviously not responsible enough to have one."

"What? That's not fair, Jason!" I argued.

Jason furrowed his brows and narrowed his eyes. "Do I need to take you over my lap or will you willingly hand it over?"

I let out a loud and exaggerated groan as I took my phone out of my backpack and slammed it down in his open palm. 

"Do not test me, young lady. You are already in a world of trouble," he warned me, with a hard glare.

I stayed quiet and looked away, not trusting my mouth to express how I was feeling at the moment.

Jason pocketed my phone and walked back to the desk, picking up a few folders before walking to the door. 

"Jessica, do not even think about leaving this room," he warned.

"I get it, Jason," I sighed, exasperated from how he was treating me like I was a little kid. 

He gave me one more stern glare before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. 

I reluctantly began working on my homework, even though all I wanted to do was scream in frustration. 

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