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After my whole sob session, Elliot told Jason to back off a bit and let me nap until dinner. I woke up an hour later, feeling a little less upset but more so ashamed of my previous outburst. 

I went into the kitchen to find Elliot setting the dinner table. He put some pasta on a plate and handed it to me.

"You good, hun?" he asked, as I took a seat across from him. 

I nodded and began shuffling the food around my plate, not really in the mood to eat. 

Jason came into the kitchen a few moments later too, and the atmosphere automatically tensed up. 

"So... you think you want to meet Mahi?" Elliot asked, breaking the silence.

"I... don't know," I truthfully answered. 

Jason watched with a piercing gaze as Elliot nodded and went back to eating. 

"So we're not going to talk about her running away again?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. 

I frowned as Elliot turned around to face Jason. 

"She was just overwhelmed, Jase," Elliot replied, trying to defuse the tension. 

"So that justifies it?" Jason retorted.

Elliot sighed and turned back to face me. "No more running away, Jess, got it?"

I nodded, making Jason huff in frustration.

"Finish your dinner quickly and do your homework before you sleep," he ordered, before grabbing an apple and walking out of the kitchen. 

I reluctantly ate the rest of the food on the plate — too tired to argue anymore. 

The rest of the night was uneventful, with all of us keeping our distance from each other. 

I was miserable and grumpy the next day at school, tired of everything that had been going on.

"You good?" Ben asked me, as the bell for second period rang.

"Not at all," I sighed.

He bumped his shoulder into mine, grinning. "Cheer up, only two days until the weekend."

I frowned, annoyed from how happy and jolly he always had to be. 

Ben followed me out of the classroom, only pissing me off more. He was like a fucking puppy.

"Jess!" he called out, when I sped up my pace to get away from him.

"What?" I exasperatedly asked, turning around to face him. 

Ben cleared his throat and gave me a shy smile. "I was wondering if you, uh, wanted to do something this weekend? Like, together?" 

I opened my mouth and then closed it again. Did he mean what I thought he meant??

"Uhh, like a... like a date?"

Ben nodded. "If you want it to be."

"I... I... I'm still grounded," I stammered, hoping he'd drop the topic and forget about this.

Ben looked dejected for a split second, but then got his dorky smile back on his face. 

"That's okay. We can do it some other time, then," he grinned, nudging me with his shoulder again before leaving. 

Fuckkk. I had no idea what to do.

I didn't like Ben — I mean he was cute and all, but I didn't like him. 

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