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Over the week, Eric and I got closer. 

At school, we talked during class and hung out in our secret corner in the library. Even though it was really risky, Eric came into Jason's classroom a few times after school too — whenever Jason had meetings and I was left unsupervised. When I was at home, we texted constantly, with his number saved under "Samaira 2", just in case Jason ever got a hold of my phone. 

This, of course, created a great deal of paranoia for me.

Whenever Jason would come near me looking serious (which was pretty often) I felt my throat closing up and my heart beat increasing in speed. 

Jason and I were finally in a good place in our relation, and I REALLY didn't want to screw things up by misusing his trust in me. At the same time, I liked the attention and sense of validation Eric gave me. 

During Friday's study block, Eric was extremely bored. 

"You're such a nerd," he complained, reaching over to close my textbook. 

I glared at him as I pushed his hand away, trying to find the page again.

"I am not a nerd."

"All you do is study and do homework."

"Because my brother would kill me if I didn't."

"Fine. You're a pussy, then," Eric retorted.

I huffed in annoyance. 

"Are you purposely irritating me or is that trait just natural?"

"It's a talent that very few people have," Eric joked, flicking a crumpled piece of paper in my direction. 

I sighed and went back to completing the homework questions. I only had a moment of silence before Eric started speaking again.


"What now?"

"Let's go out."

"I can't, Eric, I've told you a hundred times. Jason would-"

"Not now," Eric interrupted. "Over the weekend. Use your friends as an excuse."

"I'm not lying to him! Jason finally trusts me, Eric, I'm not risking it."

Eric lost his pout and frowned.

"Are you not serious about us? I'm sick and tired of talking at school in secret, like we're some fucking criminals. Just go and tell your brother that you're hanging out with me whether he likes it or not."

I felt like screaming in frustration.

"That's not how it works with Jason! I'm literally forbidden from talking to you, Eric — what part of that do you not understand?"

"Fine. But I'm not wasting time on something that isn't going to happen." Eric turned to get up, but then sat back down and looked me in the eye. "Just remember something, Jessica. I don't have a shortage of girls coming after me. I could pick up any girl in this school and fuck her brains out. But I actually like you. I want to be with you. I've been waiting for you."

"Eric, I know, okay? But I can't just change Jason's mind about you overnight."

Eric sighed, as if I was the most difficult person on the planet. 

"Fine, then talk to me when we can actually have a relationship."

He stood up to leave, but I quickly grasped his wrist, stopping him.

"Eric, please, I'll figure out something, okay? Just stay."

He held my gaze for a few moments, before reluctantly sitting back in his seat, this time closer to me.

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