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"H-How'd you find me?"

"Oh, we are so not doing this right here. Get up and let's go," he barked. 

I flinched from Elliot's tone. Anger was never his thing. I must've really pushed his buttons.

"Elliot, I'm not going back."

Elliot's eyes flashed with rage. "I don't remember giving you a choice."

Now he was really starting to sound like Jason. 

"No, Elliot. I'm not going," I argued.

Elliot looked like he was going to explode from anger. "I will not repeat myself again. I've been on your side all this time because I know you've had it tough but there's a limit to how much you can push us and you're way beyond it."

"Then leave me alone!" I shouted.

Elliot didn't waste another second, and lifted me bridal-style, with my backpack in his hands.

"Elliot, stop! I'm not going!" I yelled.

Elliot ignored me and carried me until we reached the car. He put me in the backseat and buckled my seat and quickly made it over to the drivers' seat and locked the doors.

"Elliot, stop! This is ridiculous!"

"No, Jess. What's ridiculous is that you truly believe that you can do whatever you want without consequences," Elliot growled. 

I sat there in the seat, suddenly realizing what was in store for me. Jason would kill me.

"Elliot, please. Don't let Jason spank me," I begged.

Elliot kept quiet, with his lips pursed and his frown still evident. 

When we reached the building, Elliot took me straight to Jason's apartment.

"Go and wait in the bedroom for Jason to come home," Elliot ordered, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Elliot, please. He's going to kill me," I pleaded. 

"Go. Now."

I gulped and made my way to the bedroom, where I flopped onto the bed and cried. My heart was beating fast from the anxiety of getting spanked and I was angry from not being listened to. 

After what seemed to be hours, I heard the bedroom door open. I could tell from the footsteps who it was, and I felt like screaming in frustration.

"Jessica, sit up."

I stayed laying.

"Jessica, sit up, right now or I'll spank you without giving you time to explain."

I quickly shot up, still avoiding Jason's glare.

"Look at me."

I glanced at him. I could tell he was angry, but something about him also seemed... weirdly calm? Did I break him?

"Now, start from the beginning. From the moment you walked out of my classroom during third block to when you ran away from Elliot — what the hell was going through your mind?"

I stayed quiet.

"Jessica, you can either tell me before your spanking and I might be more lenient, or after but I will have you explain yourself today."

I stayed quiet.

"Fine. Have it your way," Jason said.

He reached for me, and I immediately jumped back.

"No, stop! Don't touch me!"

"Jessica, I know you've had a rough time at home but what you're not going to do is allow yourself to act like a victim and get a special pass on being a bitch."

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