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"Jessica!" Jason shouted, as the front door closed behind me with a bang.

I ignored him, and continued running, as hard and as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was going but all I knew was that I couldn't stay in the house for a second longer. 

Before I knew it, I had reached a small park. I slumped on the park bench, and buried my head in my hands. 

I could not go back to that house.

Elliot was supposed to be on my side, on my team. I was clearly nothing but a burden on him —the fact made clear as he had to hide his girlfriend from me.

I must've been contemplating my life on that park bench for a straight 2 hours. I felt miserable, hopeless, and angry at my own destiny and fate.

I looked at the park playground to see a little boy playing on the slides with his mom and dad. His dad went up the playground with him and helped him sit onto the slide and his mom caught him as he slid down, laughing and smiling. Man, how I wish I could have been him.

Tears began to quickly fall down my face as I realized that I was really and truly all alone. 

I felt a hard hand grab my shoulder, and I looked up to see Elliot towering over me. To say that he looked furious would be an understatement. 

Great. It hadn't even been 24 hours since his girlfriend came into the picture and he was already Team Piss-Off-Jess.

"What did I tell you about running away?" he barked. 

I moved away, shrugging his hand off of me. 

"Jessica!" Elliot snapped. I winced at the tone and the fact that he was calling me by my full name. He never called me by my full first name.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were when you ran off like that?" he asked, slightly softening up at my tear stricken face. 

He sat down beside me, but I stayed silent.

Elliot sighed and massaged his temples as he took out his phone — probably to text Jason that he'd found me.

"Come on. We're going back home," he said, getting up from the bench.

"I'm not going," I croaked, internally cussing at myself for being such a crybaby.

"Excuse me?"

I looked up to see Elliot pissed. Not good.

"I'm not going back," I sniffed, turning my face away.

"Jess, I don't understand why you have to make everything so difficult. Please just get up so we can go home and speak like adults," he said, exasperated.

More tears tumbled out of my eyes as I realized what a huge inconvenience I was.

"Just leave me alone if I make your life so difficult," I spat.

"That's not what I meant," Elliot groaned, running a hand through his hair. "You don't make my life difficult, babe, you make it a lot more brighter and fun. But not when you pull this disappearing act on us. Come on, Jason's practically got himself sick with worry."

I let out a bitter laugh. "He's not worried about me. He couldn't care less."

Elliot bent down to my level, surely frustrated. "He is extremely concerned about you, whether you want to believe it or not. Do not make me carry you out of this park, Jess. You know I will," he warned.

 I looked up to see the family with the little boy still playing on the playground, along with a whole bunch of other kids and families. Despite them being strangers, I'd rather not be carried out of the park like a little child in front of them.

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