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"A sprained ankle?" I mocked, as Jason helped Alena into the car. 

"It could be broken," Alena hissed.

"I don't think so, but there's no harm in getting it checked out," Jason said, as he sat in the driver's seat. 

Thanks to Alena calling Jason with her little sob story, we had to rush out of the restaurant and drive over to Jason's old apartment, where Alena was still living.

"Jason, I need to be home by six to get ready for the party," I complained. 

"Why do you need an hour and a half to get ready?" he scoffed. 

"Why does she get to treat you like her personal servant and chauffeur?" I shot back.

"Hey!" Alena snapped. "We're dating, that's what you do for someone you care for. Not like you'd know."

"Dating, huh?" I repeated, taking a look at Jason — who was currently frowning with his lips tightly pressed in a firm line. 

"Jason, tell your sister to shut up," Alena grumbled, leaning back in her seat as she propped her foot on the seat next to her. 

"Could you both be quiet? I have a headache from your bickering," he sighed. 

Although I was kinda thankful he didn't give in to Alena, I was still pissed.

"What did I do? She was rude first!"

"Are you a little kid, Jessica?" Jason snapped.

"No," I huffed.

"Then stop acting like one and grow up. Or you can say goodbye to your party today," he threatened. 

I let out an exaggerated sigh as I leaned into my seat, looking out the window. 

We had to wait thirty minutes at the emergency and then ten more minutes with the doctor to find out it was just a sprained ankle. Alena then insisted that Jason stay with her and keep an eye on her, but thankfully, he told her he had to go back home and would call later. 

By the time we reached home, it was quarter to six.

"Are you two really still dating?" I asked, as Jason was unlocking the front door.

"It's complicated," he grumbled.

"Tell me."

"It's none of your business. Go and get ready for your party, and let me know when you need to leave," he ordered, before heading upstairs and slamming his bedroom door shut. 

Talk about being a grump. 

Although I would have loved to barge into his room and argue with him further, I chose to play it safe and do as he said. 

I got ready before seven, deciding to keep it simple with black ripped jeans and a blue halter top that ended just at my belly button. 

I knocked on Jason's bedroom door, hoping to get my phone early (he said he'd give it to me when dropping me off) and take some mirror selfies. 

"That's what you're wearing?" he gaped, as soon as I walked into his room.

"Jasonnn, it's a party! I'm not going to school dressed like this," I groaned.

"I know, I know. Look, I'm trying to be lenient with you. How about something that covers your stomach? All of it."

"It's the 21st century, Jason!" I argued. "Why is showing skin still considered slutty?" 

"That's not what I'm saying," Jason sighed. "I don't think like that, but there's creeps all over the place who do. I'm trying to keep you safe, Jessica, not fight with you."

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