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"Hi!" he cheerfully said.

Oh great. 

"Hi," I mumbled, gathering my stuff. 

"Thanks for showing her around Ben. If it takes too long and you miss a bit of first period, come and get a late slip," Ms.Burchell said. 

Ben nodded. "Sounds good."

He waited until we were out of the office before bombarding me with questions.

"So what's your deal?" he asked.


"What's your deal?" he repeated. "Why are you so goddamn grumpy?"

I felt my anger begin to boil and I counted back from 10 in my head to avoid punching this dude.

"Can you just do your job and leave?" I snapped.

"This isn't my job, Jessie, I'm volunteering," he obnoxiously clarified.

"Don't call me Jessie," I scoffed. 

"Sweetie? Hun? Pumpkin? What's your vibe?" he teased.

"Murdering you," I grumbled.

"Oooh, fiesty!" he chuckled.

I let out a deep, exaggerated breath, gaining a few stares from people around us. There was still 10 minutes before classes.

"Come on, I suppose we should start the tour," he said, grabbing my hand. I instantly flinched and pulled my hand away.


Ben raised his eyebrows but kept his mouth shut, thank god. He showed me around the school - and boy, it was BIG. 

"It's pretty hard to get around in time, so it's nice that they give us 10 minutes in between classes," Ben yapped, and I felt myself getting a headache from how much he talked

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"It's pretty hard to get around in time, so it's nice that they give us 10 minutes in between classes," Ben yapped, and I felt myself getting a headache from how much he talked.

It was about 10 minutes after the first bell rang when we finished, so we began walking back to the office to get our late slips.

"So why'd you move?" Ben asked.

"My parents died," I mumbled.

I didn't look at Ben's face, but I could imagine what he must have looked like in the moment.

"Oh crap, I'm sor-"

"Don't. I'm not," I interrupted, tired of the whole pity talk I got from everyone.

Ben didn't say anything for the rest of our time together. We got our late slips, and I began walking to my first block class when I noticed him following me.

"What? Isn't the tour over?"

"Calm down, jeez. I have the same class as you first block."

Of course he does.

By the time the bell for lunch rang, I was famished. I was about to head to the cafeteria when I ran into Jason.

"What?" I snapped.

"What's with your attitude?" Jason scoffed. "I came to give you money for lunch."

"Oh." I awkwardly shuffled as he reached into his pocket and handed me $10.

"I expect to get the change back," he sternly stated.

"Yeah, yeah. Can I have my phone back for lunch?"

Jason groaned. "What is it with you and your phone? Don't you want to make friends? You can't do that if you have your face stuck in your phone."

"Don't you think it'll look weird if I sit beside people and tell them that I don't have a phone?" I fired back. 

"No, because you can tell them that you have a phone, it's just temporarily suspended."

I threw my hands up in frustration. "Perfect. Thanks a bunch."

When I reached the cafeteria, I spotted Ben waiting in the line for food with some of his friends. He noticed me and waved, but I ignored him and stood at the back of the line. Of course, the idiot was too dumb to leave me alone, and jogged over to where I was standing.

"Jessie! Hey!"

"It's Jessica," I curtly reminded him.

"Didn't you see me waving, Jess?" he asked, completely ignoring my previous remark.

"No, Benjamin, I did not."

"Well, come over and stand with me. My friends are up ahead in the line," he said, jutting his thumb back to a group of guys.

"I'm good here, thanks."

"Come onnn, I'm trying to help you out," he groaned.

"And I didn't ask you to," I snapped, catching the stares of a few people. 

"Holy fuck, who's this bitch having a hissy fit?" some girl giggled.

I turned my attention to the tall blonde who had called me a bitch and eyed her. She was about an inch taller than me, and insanely gorgeous, with a perfect set of teeth and carefully applied makeup. She had 2 minions behind her, almost perfect duplicate copies. 

"This bitch'll smack you in the face if you don't keep it moving," I growled.

Ben seemed shocked, but the girl was unfazed.

"Really? I'd LOVE to see you do anything but throw hissy fits. Mind if I ask where the off button for your mouth is?"

See, I would not like to classify myself as a violent person, but after the death of my parents, my multiple arguments with Jason in the span of 24 hours, and this bitch acting like Queen B, I had reached my breaking point. 

This is why, without a second thought, I took my right hand, formed it into a tight fist, pulled it back and shot into the bitch's face, pulling away to see blood dripping out of her nose.

"Oh my fucking god," she screeched, as her tray of food clattered to the ground and she clutched her nose. 

What happened next can only be described as a flurry of events. I was whisked off into the Principal's office, with only God knowing what happened to broken-nosed-bitch. 

I sat in the empty office, twiddling my thumbs, wondering what would happen next. Maybe I could make some kind of deal with the Principal to not tell Jason? He'd break my phone if he found out what had happened. Maybe they have cameras and I can prove that she was the one who started it with the bitchy remarks. As if Jason would care who started it, though.

"Jessica Reigne Morris."

I whipped my head around to see my older brother fuming, his eyes practically black with rage. Oh, I was a goner for sure. 


hey guys!

thank u for reading so far. let me know what you think of the characters!

i'm choosing pictures for the main characters, and i need help choosing someone to play Elliot (Jessica's older cousin who hasn't really entered the story-line yet.) i imagine him as a brown, hot, well-built guy - but also someone who likes cuddles. help a girl out and comment some names of people who could play elliot. thanx :) 

next update will be in a few weeks - once i see whether or not people actually want to read this book. read my other book, Mr.Daddy, while you're waiting! ;) 

catch ya later 

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