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I was on my best behavior for the rest of the day and the next day as well. 

"See what happens when you give her a little trust and love?" Elliot boasted to Jason last night, after I voluntarily finished cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. 

I wasn't in the kitchen to see Jason's reaction to Elliot's comment, but I'm sure he was rolling his eyes.

The next day, Ben ignored me in English, only furthering the guilt I had for speaking to him rudely the day before. I sure as hell wasn't about to apologize though — he shouldn't have been trying to act like my bodyguard in the first place. 

In Calculus, Eric eagerly sat beside me. 

"So? Did you get your permission to go?" he asked.

I nodded and his face lit up. 

"Sweet! I'll pick you up then?"

"I actually got strict instructions to stay away from you during the party. Jason's dropping and picking me up," I informed him, making his smile turn into a frown immediately. 

"What the fuck? What does your brother think I'm planning on doing with you?"

"What are you planning on doing with me?" I asked, not realizing how flirtatious I sounded until the words were already out of my mouth.

Eric smirked. "Nothing that you don't already want."

I narrowed my eyes, not really appreciating his response all that much. You could say that after the incident in his car, I was starting to see that this guy had some pretty big flaws. 

"And how do you know what I want?

"Trust me, I know what girls want," he smugly replied. 

I couldn't understand how I ever found this guy charming. Besides his good looks, he was a total dick. 

I turned my attention back to the equations Mrs.Jones had on the board, but Eric nudged my knee a few moments later. 

"What?" I hissed, not needing to be publicly called out by the teacher again. 

"We'll hang out at the party then, yeah?" he asked. 

I gave him a curt nod before turning my attention back to the board.


Lunch was full of the girls and I discussing outfits and guys to look out for. Apparently this party was a big deal that was thrown by some rich guy who was a senior now, but had four brothers previously attending the school so it was a deemed an annual tradition for everyone in the school to show up. 

I continued my streak of good behavior all the way to the end of the school day, which somehow made Jason suspicious. 

"You know, it's quite sickening to see you behaving like this," he said, after I asked him if he had a good day. 

"You want me to be rude and bitchy?" I asked, watching as he packed up his stuff. 

"Don't cuss," Jason warned. "And no, I don't. It's just weird for you to be acting so nice. You don't have to be this extra, all I want is for you to behave."

"That doesn't even make sense, but all righty," I said, giving him a big, bright grin. 

"See? That fake smile there. Unnecessary. Just drop the act and be normal."  

We walked out of the school together, the cold air biting and unwelcoming.

"My normal is your rude and disrespectful," I reminded him. 

He gave a small chuckle, which was quite unusual for him. I don't know what happened to put him in such a good mood, but I definitely didn't have a problem. 

"Right, of course," he replied. He cleared his throat before continuing. "You... wanna go out for milkshakes? Elliot is busy today so nothing's made at home."

I raised my eyebrow at him, completely thrown off by his nature. Joking and smiling was one thing, but wanting to hang out with me? Now I was wondering if Jason had been replaced by a clone, because this sure as hell wasn't the Jason I knew (and hated). 

"Uh, sure. You feeling alright?" I asked, as we sat in the car. 

"Pretty good, actually," he replied. 

I stayed silent for the rest of the ride, and until we reached the restaurant. We both didn't start talking until our milkshakes arrived. 

"So, are you and Ms.Lopez a thing?" I asked.

Jason raised his eyebrow at my question. "No, we're just good friends. Nothing beyond that."

I slowly nodded, definitely not buying that. I'd seen how she had him wrapped around her finger, and that was definitely not a friends-thing. 

He let a few seconds go by before clearing his throat and continuing. 

"There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about," he said. 

Of course there was.

"What?" I asked, already suspicious of his intentions. 

Jason uncomfortably looked around the relatively empty restaurant for a few moments before making eye contact with me.

"I realize... that I wasn't always there for you-"

"Yes, you definitely weren't," I interrupted. 

Jason frowned. "Shut up for a few minutes, Jessica. I'm trying to say something."

I closed my mouth, remembering the party that was on the line.

Jason took a deep breath and started again. "I know I missed a large chunk of your life. I have my own reasons for doing what I did, and I don't expect for you to understand all my decisions, but I want you to know that I'm here now. I realize that you think I don't love or care for you, but I really do. I want you to be succesful in life and make something of yourself. I also realize that I'm not the perfect guardian. But, I am trying. I'm trying to control my anger and to trust you more."

"Okayy.." I slowly said, unsure of what was going on. 

"So... don't feel like you can't come to me if something's going on. I know I can be harsh, but I'm here for you when you need help. Alright?"

"Okayy.." I repeated, still weirded out from Jason's behavior. 

"Good. Now hold on, I'm getting a call," he said, standing up and walking outside to answer his phone. 

I don't know what got into Jason, but I guess I wasn't in any position to complain about it. He seemed like he cared for once, and I was alright with it. 

He rushed back into the restaurant, grabbing his jacket. 

"Hurry up, we need to leave," Jason said, pocketing his cell-phone. 


"Alena's hurt."



uh ohhh. whatdya think is gonna happen next?

it's been a while since i've left an author's note, but i wanted to say thank you to everyone for being patient. i had a midterm and provincial exam this last week, so things have been crazy. i also wanted to say thank you for all the kind feedback i've been getting (and getting #1 in siblings, out of 1.4k books -- wow). i appreciate everyone who leaves comments, and/or messages me with story ideas. i have the next 7 chapters drafted already and a basic sense of how i want this book to go, but new ideas help me stay inspired. 

thank you for reading, and let me know what you think! :) 

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