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~Atticus's POV~

"Is that girl single?" Zav asks once the door closes behind us. The whole rest of the time there he had his eyes fixed on Bex, and so did I. The only difference is he looks at her like he wants to devour her in or bite. I'm sure that's how I looked the first time too. It took all my willpower not to slap the back of his head or do something to make him look away from her.
The fact that she's equally as attracted to him as he is her doesn't help my situation none. I came into this thinking this was purely work and I had no desire of starting anything with anyone, but I can never get her out of my mind, even those annoying eye rolls and scoffs.
"Depends on what day of the week," I joke. I want to lie and tell him she does have a boyfriend just so he'll stay the hell away from her, but that's not fair to her. I don't know her well, but I do know she deserves a hell of a lot better than him, or me. He's different though, he doesn't know when to give up. He could be the most toxic person in the room and say someone else is.
"I'll take that as a yes. Do you think if I asked her out she'd say yes?" I hate being the oldest at times like this. Of course he comes to me to talk about these things with, I'm the only one he's got right now, but I would much rather him discuss asking Bex out with someone who isn't me. I can't even picture them together without wanting to slam his head against one of these doorknobs.
"I honestly don't know," I tell him. The cold hair hits us hard once I push the door open. The weather turns pretty fast here, sunny one day, gloomy the next. "I don't think it's a good idea though. You did just get out of prison."
"That's more reason to do it. Do you know how long it's been since I've done anything with a girl?" I take in a sharp breath, my hands clenching into tight fists. My knuckles turn white from the pressure. Once again I start feeling that selfish need to keep her to myself. She's not mine, I don't own her, but I would love to in certain ways.
"Can we drop this topic?" The longer it goes on the more...irritated I get. I refuse to call this feeling jealousy. So far I have nothing to be jealous of. She had eyes for me first. She wanted me first. As far as we know, she might only be attracted to him; that's what I'm hoping at least. "Are you staying with me until-"
"No, I'm staying with a friend. I already got in contact with him and he's picking me up," he tells me. I stop in my tracks, my hand falling from opening my door.
"How the hell did you already get a phone?"
"Don't ask questions you know you don't want the answers to," he says. "Plus, this way I won't get in the way of you having girls over or nothing like that." The only girl I've had over is the one you've been eye fucking.
~Bex's POV~

Just as I finish putting on an oversized shirt of mine to sleep in, someone knocks on the door. Marissa went out to call Atticus about something she forgot to tell him while he was here, and she never forgets her key. And Alaric is passed out next to my feet in front of the closet. He fell asleep while hiding "in safety" from Atticus.
I step over his body to answer the door, only able to oak my head over to see since Alaric's legs make it so I can't stand in front of the door. The new brother gives me a soft smile, flashing me his perfect teeth.
"Did you forgot something?" I ask, realizing how weird this must look. The door isn't even all the way open and it's only head. Oh god, it probably looks like I'm naked. It this were Atticus I wouldn't be embarrassed at all, not only being he's seen me naked before, but because I didn't just meet him.
The whole time I was sitting across from him on my bed, I could feel his eyes burning into me. When I would catch him staring, his eyes were running up and down my body, making me feel desirable, but at the same time very uncomfortable. I've never been looked at like in a piece of meat, even by Atticus.
"I had a question," he says. Now this is even more weird. Looking down at Alaric's feet, I close the door in Zav's face, bending down and grabbing him by the ankles, moving his lefts to the side with all it strength. I open the door all the way this time, releasing a deep breath.
"Sorry about that," I tell him. His stare drops down to my exposed legs. Shorts would have been nice to put on under the shirt if I knew someone was going to be coming. "What did you need to ask?"
"Uh, are you doing anything tomorrow?" He asks. My lips part as if I'm going to reply, but it's just out of surprise. I want to say one thing, but I know I should say the other.
"Classes, but I don't know about after. I might have to study," I tell him. There, that seems good.
"Well, if you have some spare time tomorrow you should call me and we can do something," he says. I know I shouldn't let this happen, I should tell him we need to keep it friendly, but I don't. There's nothing going on between Atticus and I, but I'd feel bad if I go out with his brother.
Maybe this is better for me though. Sticking to what I'm used to seems to be a safer bet. I already got in a fight with my dad about Atticus being a cop, I'm sure no one in my family would give a shit if I was talking to a criminal instead now. It's sick and messed up, but also the truth.
"That'd be nice," I say, hearing movement behind me. "I think I should get to sleep now. If I have time tomorrow I'll call you. Does Marissa have your number?" He nods, stepping back awkwardly. I give him a small wave before closing the door, pressing my back against it.
"You can't seem to keep yourself out of trouble can you?" Alaric slurs from the door. I kick his leg, making him wince.
"Go back to sleep."

"I'm happy you had the time today," Zav says, walking close to my side. There's a park not far from the dorms, so I suggested we walk around since I've been craving a walk. Usually, I prefer to take walks alone, let my thoughts out, but I thought I'd be mice for once to have company.
"I was planning on coming here anyways," I say, crossing my arms at my chest. His eyes fall down to my breasts before quickly looking in front of him again. It feels weird to be around a man and not constantly make rude remarks. "The company seemed nice."
"So you seek company in felons?" I nod, smiling up at him. It also feels weird to be around someone who knows nothing about my family. Atticus recognized me from my last name, which automatically told him who dad my was.
"I get along best with people like you. I'm good at getting inside your heads," I tell him. He raises a brow in question. "A close family friend of mine would have me talk to people. I have a way of getting people to talk."
"Good guess." You're exactly, right. Castel would often take advantage of my anger when I would be around and have be beat the answers out of people. I'm small, but damn can I defend myself.
"So what's the deal with my brother and you?" He asks. I was hoping this wouldn't come up. I want to forget about Atticus for the day, or forever if that's a possibility. Who the he'll am I kidding, he won't be leaving my thoughts anytime soon.
"Nothing, we just know each other because of Marissa. We don't even get along that well," I tell him. He scoffs, looking at the ground. Despite my usual type and how much he fits into that role, I'm not as attracted to him as I am Atticus.
"You sure about that? When I was asking him about you last night he seemed like he wanted to punch me in the throat," he says. The idea of him getting jealous over me makes me smile. He hasn't been straight up with how he feels and he puts up a front, so I haven't been able to tell how he feels about me. He's full of mixed signals. He asked me out, then doesn't even talk about it.
"I'm sure. He's not even my type," I say. He nods, coming closer to me. My shoulder brushes against his arm.
"Good," he says. "Well, not good. He's just, he doesn't have the best track record when it comes to girls after what happened with Liv." I stop, confused. Marissa mentioned Atticus's past relationship when we were walking around campus, but stopped because it wasn't her place to say what happened. Maybe he's different.
"What happened with her?" I ask.
"Alcohol," he says, giving me the quick explanation. "When Atticus is under a lot of stress, he turns to whatever can distract him like our dad did. One night he drank too much while she was over. They had been fighting constantly, so she should have known better than to test him when when she knew he was drunk. He's not himself. I don't know all the details, I just know what I was told from him. She said something and he snapped.
He called me to come get him because he knew he couldn't drive in the state he was in. When I got there, she was sitting on the couch crying because he hit her. From what I could tell it wasn't just once, but wasn't enough to do serious damage; I'm sure that's only because he wasn't in the shape he's in now. There was a cut next to her eye and she wouldn't tell me what happened. As far as I know, he hasn't dated anyone since."
I take in all the information that was just given. He doesn't seem like the type of man who would ever put his hands on a women or anyone if it's not needed; but alcohol can change a person.
"Does he still drink?"
"I just got out of prison, I don't know," he says with a laugh. Two years ago. That happened two long years ago and things have changed. That girl doesn't seem to be in picture anymore and he doesn't seem like he drinks anymore either.
"Let's keep walking."

AN: I'm splitting this chapter up with another one because it'll be too long if other wise. I've been wanting to say what Atticus did in his last relationship, but thought I'd let y'all hang for a while 😂 I really hope you guys enjoyed!
Question: What do you think of Zavian? Do you see Atticus differently now?

 I've been wanting to say what Atticus did in his last relationship, but thought I'd let y'all hang for a while 😂 I really hope you guys enjoyed!       Question: What do you think of Zavian? Do you see Atticus differently now?

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