•History Repeats•

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<•This is a long and crazy one, buckle up buckeroo•>

            {•Edited•}   <•This is a long and crazy one, buckle up buckeroo•>

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~Bex's POV~

During the night I wake with cramps, my lower abdomen feeling like it's twisting in every which way. This usually happens towards the end of the month despite my use of birth control. Every now and then I'll randomly let my period, but I'll always get the symptoms even if it doesn't. I'm grateful for the small pain though, I was starting to get worried the contraceptive failed. That's the last thing I need in this situation.
I sit up, taking a deep breath. Thankfully, I stayed with Atticus for the night despite it being a school night; I'd hate having to walk to the bathrooms like this. Carefully, I get myself out of the bed, pressing my small hand against the area that hurts the most. Locking the bathroom door behind me, I carefully bring down the boxers I'm wearing for bed. Atticus was very confused when I asked him for a pair to sleep in, but was quite happy to see I have them raised too much, giving just a peek of my cheeks.
Intense nausea comes over me randomly as I'm about to sit down, causing me to immediately squat down. My eyes water as I throw up what I hate for dinner. At this is happening before I take pain medication, I tell myself. My stomach and throat feel like it's being pulled as I empty my stomach, making me hold the area tighter, finding it a lot easier to apply pressure without the boxers.
Once I finish, I go to the bathroom to do what I needed before and come back out, happy to find cold air blowing through the window. My body feels like it's gone up fifteen degrees. Resting my head against the window, I close my eyes, enjoying the breeze.
"What's wrong?" A tired voice asks from the bed. I peek open one eye to look over at Atticus, his eyes squinted to the point where they might as well be closed.
"I'm okay," I answer, hoping he didn't hear me get sick. He tosses the blanket off himself, getting out of the bed. My eyes close again, going back to what I was doing before. I'm still tired, but this is probably better for me than walking to the bed right now. My body is being completely supported by the wall, my legs feeling weak and wobbly.
"It's still late," he says, coming behind me. His arms wrap around my arms, kissing my shoulder. I lean against him, my head moving to a much more comfortable position on his chest. "Did you throw up?"
"Yeah," I answer, my face heating up more. I don't want him getting grossed out that not only am I going to get my period but that I also got sick. He hums in response, running a hand through his messy hair.
"You-you're sage right? I haven't used condoms; I pulled out last time but that was it," he says, suddenly sounding fully awake. I nod, not feeling well enough to speak. I turn around from the window, hugging my arms around Atticus.
I love the way he feels against me whether it be in a sexual way or just casual. When he's holding the way he is now I feel safe, comfortable, wanted. When it's in bed it's a sense of protection and closeness. I act like a hard ass with him, but truth be told, every time he looks at me I'm putty at his feet, totally whipped over him.
It's not even just because of his looks either, it's the damn personality. I've heard that the characteristics are what's more important, not what they look like, and I'm believing that. I've been blessed with someone who is insanely handsome but has a heart of gold. He's had every reason so far to bust my parents, had two perfect opportunities to arrest my dad and Castel, and also could have taken Alaric in after we fixed him up...and me. He didn't. For some reason, he trusts me and I couldn't be more thankful.
I let out a quiet yelp as his arms come under the back of my knees, lifting me off the ground. My arms instinctively wrap around his neck, nuzzling my face into his chest. I hesitate to let him go when he lays me down on what's become my side of the bed. He pulls the covers over me, brushing my hair out of my face. His rough knuckles brush against my cheekbone. My eyes flicker to him, wincing quietly.
"Is there anything I can do?" Lay back down, I feel like shit for waking you up.
"Is there anything for pain? I-I'm getting cramps," I tell him. He nods, turning around and leaving the room. I'm surprised I was able to fall asleep with the door wide open; it's usually a huge phobia of mine. I'm not necessarily scared that someone will pop in the room and "get me," just that someone could be looking inside through the crack. I even overthink doors.
He comes back in holding a water bottle in one hand and two small white pills in the other. I force myself into my side, propping myself up on my elbow. I take the pills from him, my hands shaking. He opens the water bottle for me, handing it over when I'm ready. The pills go down smoothly, having no troubles in them going down for once. I can swallow anything other than pills...seriously.
He walks around the bed, laying back down. I put the cap back on the water and set it down next to the bed, letting out a loud breath. He comes up close behind me, throwing his arm over my upper stomach so he doesn't touch where it hurts. With my free hand, I lace my fingers with his, turning around carefully.
His green eyes shine against the light of the moon. I let my fingertips graze against his stubbled cheek, smiling to myself. "What are you smiling about?" He asks, a small smile playing on his lips. Oh, how I wish I could kiss them right now if I wasn't feeling this way.

"Let's go out!" Alaric yells happily the minute he comes through the door. Immediately, I cover my face with my pillow, giving off that I don't want to talk. "Is she serious?" He asks Marissa. At the sound of his footsteps coming towards me, I take the pillow away before he can.
"I don't feel good," I tell him, holding my knees to my stomach. He scoffs, sitting down next to me in the ground. Marissa throws her legs over the side of the bed.
"I think we should go out. We deserve it after doing all this work the first few weeks," she says. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to support her going out to places I know Atticus wouldn't want her. I groan, shaking my head. I was supposed to go to Atticus's after classes to study, but I felt too sick so I decided to stay in and do my work. Thankfully I'm ahead in most my classes, so there isn't must for me to do that's important.
"I agree, but she won't get her ass out of the bed. Being sick has never kept anyone from a good time," he says, shaking my leg with his hand. I wince, my face scrunching in pain. I wang so badly to kick his back, but he's still recovering from the other night. "Come in, the best times I usually the ones you almost miss out on."
I don't get up because of what he said, but to get him to be quiet. I know that if I don't agree to go with them, both will starting talking by ears off begging. Plus, they need someone who will drive and be responsible.
"You two owe me for this."

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