•Mr. Grumpy Pants•

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                     ~Atticus's POV~

      Walking into the sheriff's office in the morning, my heart is damn near beating out of my chest. This is the first time in weeks that he's not been in a meeting or out doing something. He's not going to be happy with me.
    "You finally have something for me?" He asks. I shake my head, closing the door. "Then what are you doing here? I'm sure there's something you're supposed to be doing." He's wrong, I haven't been called for anything yet and usually am not until around two.
    "I want off the case," I tell him. His brows pull together, deepening the wrinkles in his forehead. "I think her cousin is catching onto me. A-and she doesn't deserve this." He gets up, his expression not happy at all.
    "You're not getting off the case," he says. "You're the closest thing we have to her. You're useful just to distract her as well as get information. You knowing that someone's catching onto you lets me know that they'll probably be onto us as well."
    "I've never even had opportunities to eat her dad, there's no reason for her to bring me near him. Plus, she's not stupid enough to," I tell him. Everything I say goes in one ear and out the other. He takes Santi's files out of my hand, tossing them on the desk. He looks me in the eye, mouth pressed into a line.
       "Don't go soft on us for some pussy," he says. I look down, my jaw clenching. "Now go."
                         ~Bex's POV~
        The feeling of someone shaking my leg wakes me up. My eyes burn as I look around. Atticus sits down, moving my legs to the side then placing them over his lap. When I woke up this morning I knew I had to tell Atticus about what happened last night unless it'll just come out when I'm mad. After I went to run errands and studied, I no longer had any excuses to come here. When I seen he wasn't home I decided to wait so I wouldn't have to build up the courage all over again.
      "I thought I was picking you up?" He asks. I shake my head, closing my eyes again. His hands massage my legs. I start feeling myself slip away. "You asleep?" He asks, bringing me back.
    "No, and I needed to talk to you," I tell him. He turns his body more towards me, looking me in the eyes. Communication. "Last night, after dinner with Zav, he walked me back to the dorm. Before I went inside he kissed me," I say, wishing I couldn't hear myself. His hands stop their massaging, resting on my thighs.
   "He kissed you?" He asks in shock, brows brought together in either anger or confusion, I can't tell. I nod, picking at my nails. His eyes move away from mine, staring straight in front of him. "I knew this was going to happen." Now it's me who's confused.
     "What do you mean?" I ask.
     "I didn't want you hanging out with him and you go and do again. He always does shit like this and I knew something would happen between you two," he says. I move my legs off his lap, my feet falling to the floor. 
     "You can't control who I hang out with," I tell him. "I pushed him away, it didn't mean anything to me. You have to trust me."
    "How the hell am I supposed to believe you?" He asks. My eyes widen. He can't seriously believe that I would cheat on him after what we've been through the past few months.
    "Because I would never do that to you. Why would I kiss him?" He gets up, running his hands over his face. I do my best not to focus on the way his shirt hugs his biceps.
    "I don't know. You two had a thing going on before we started dating. For all I know, you could still have feelings for him. I know for damn sure that he still likes you," he says, arms stiff at his sides. I roll my eyes, having to look away from him for a few seconds to calm myself. I know I'm whose right, I did nothing wrong, so I might as well let him get his anger out before embarrassing him for how wrong he is.
     "I told you so we could avoid the fight," I tell him. He sighs, hands on his hips. "You tell me to communicate with you, but you get mad every time I do." He can't say I'm wrong on that. When I told him about me killing Pablo after he begged me to talk to him he wouldn't talk to me.
    "Because you keep doing things that get me mad." What have I done?! I'm pretty sure all the fucked yo shit has been happening to me lately.
   "I don't mean for this to happen. I thought it would be a good idea to go out with a friend after feeling so shitty. I pushed him back! You should be mad if I didn't tell you because then I would have done something wrong."  
     He stays quiet, knowing I'm in the right. He'll stay mad for a few more hours and it'll eventually go away. I get up, grabbing my keys up from the table. Walking up to him, he stays in place like a wall, arms crossed over his chest as he stares down at me with a upset expression.
     "Get your head out of your ass, Mr. Grumpy Pants. We both know I could beat your ass if I reaaalllyyy wanted to," I say, not entirely sure if that's true just because of our weight difference, but I'm sure I'm more skilled than him in fighting. Castel made sure that Alaric and I knew how to fight to protect ourselves. "I'll be back tonight after I get my stuff together. Please stop being a bitch by the time I get back. Love you," I say, pecking his lips before spinning around on my heels.
       The sound of an unfamiliar voice inside the room makes me nervous when I get outside the door. Since she's told me she started seeing one of Pablo's friends I've been worried about other people she might hang around thanks to him. Pushing open the door, I'm shocked to see my younger cousin, Pandora, sitting on my bed.
     "What the hell," I say, shutting the door after me a lot louder than I meant to. Marissa jumps, turning her attention towards me. The door opens again, making me groan. I'm tired of people. Alaric stops in his tracks just like me, but slowly closing the door this time.
    "Why is the Wicked Bitch of the West here?" He asks, pointing at Pandora. She smiles at him, wiggling her fingers as a wave. I roll my eyes, annoyed by the sight of her. Her and I have never gotten along, nor has she and Alaric. She's just always been a bitch for no reason, constantly getting us into trouble, picking fights with us growing up; the list goes on.
   "Can't I visit my cousins?" She asks, trying to play nice.
   "No. We don't like you," he tells her. To anyone who doesn't know us, it would just sound like we're being mean because we're older, but no, she's a fucking bitch. Marissa probably thinks horrible. At least I'm a bitch with a heart, she's just a plain bitch.
     "My mom wanted me to come visit you guys for awhile. I tried telling her I didn't want to come," she says. I remember my dad mentioning something to my mom at dinner about Aunt Amor coming to town for a few days with Pandora.   
    "How kind of her," I say flatly, turning towards the closet and opening it to my side. I take out the bag I use when I stay at Atticus's, already having my stuff packed. I reach into the back and grab a bag, putting it in with my things. "Too bad I'm leaving right now."
    "Already?" Marissa asks disappointedly. I nod, straightening up.
     "Yeah, you're brother is being a little bitch again," I tell her. She nods in understanding. I turn to Alaric. "Have fun though."  
     AN: You guys are so lucky I decided to be nice this chapter. Something really bad was gonna happen this chapter, but I decided to take that out and save it for later and make it worse 😈 Anyways! New character, Pandora, Wicked Bitch of the West, daughter of Amor and Luz. She has been added to the characters list if you would like to see. I really hope you guys enjoyed!
     Questions: What do you think of how reaction? What do you think will happen?   

 I really hope you guys enjoyed!      Questions: What do you think of how reaction? What do you think will happen?   

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