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Two months later...
                             ~Bex's POV~

I've been burying myself in schoolwork, making sure to keep myself busy at all times. I've even started going to certain yoga classes with Marissa in Tuesday's to "reduce stress." You know what, how soft those instructor women talk gives me the creeps and the fact that I can't do most of the moves stresses me out. My doctor told me that doing this should help with my labor, but I'm calling bullshit.
At the beginning of the month was when I first started to get contractions and to say Zav and I were worrying is an understatement. Not knowing why I was getting them, I was afraid I was going into early labor and despite my many refusals, he forced me to go to the hospital to make sure nothing was wrong.
Most of the time I keep myself either in bed or being productive, but keeping my mind busy constantly, so I don't drown again. My mom actually put all her pain medications in my dads GUN SAFE. A little dramatic if you ask me...I know the passcode. He made sure Alaric and I memorized it in case of emergency.
Knocking on the door takes my attention off my English book. Getting up, my feet ache like crazy. All the added weight has weakened my legs and I'm not even as big as I should be due to her small size. Always being on the skinnier side growing up, my body just hasn't gotten used to this and thankfully it's almost over.
Zav is super excited about her finally getting here. Every night we've slept together he keeps his hand protectively on my stomach. Just hearing how excited he gets when talking about raising her makes me happy. I don't think I could do this with anyone else in this type of situation; that man is special in more ways than one. I've never met someone so heartfelt just tough around the edges. He's constantly speaking the sweetest words, but I know that if anyone were to try him he wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger, and horribly...that turns me on.
I twist the doorknob, swinging it back a few inches to see who it is. Atticus's large build stands in the doorway. I haven't seen him since that night he came here a month ago and we talked in the hall about finding someone dirty as a piece offering. As soon as that idea left my mouth I regretted it and wanted to take it back. He could lose his job doing that and I know how hard he's worked to get where he is. It was wrong and selfish of me to ask him to do such a thing. I still haven't brought myself to talk to him since my talk with Alaric.
"Hey," I say, stepping back to let him in. Hesitantly, he steps inside, eyes fixed on the ground. "Marissa left about twenty minutes ago to the gym."
"I know, I'm here for you," he says. My brows raise. "I...I did what you asked." I straighten up, suddenly hanging onto his every word. "He asked me not to give his name, but he's already spoken with Castel and got in contact with Sin through some other people."
My shockers relax, finally able breath. "Was this last month?" I ask. He nods. Why would the or someone else tell me then? Well, Alaric told me all he could on the phone, but after everything happened it was lost from my mind.
"Zav told me it was best to wait a while before telling you because of...what happened," he says. I sit down on my bed, resting my hands on my knees. That's why. I can't be mad at Zav for telling him that because it would have just made me more stressed a week ago, but I've been feeling better.
"So they should be out soon."
"I don't know how soon, but we'll know if it works out. Otherwise..." his words trail off, jaw clenching. It feels weird to be standing in front of him having a civil conversation. I mean, I didn't tell him that if he did as asked, his end would be mended. The pain of what he did still lingers, but I can forgive and not forget. If ever pulls anything else again I will shoot him.
"Thank you," I say. He shrugs, looking back at the ground. "I'm sorry for asking so much of you. I was just hurt and didn't think about how doing this could affect you."
"You don't have to do any apologizing. I'm the one who screwed up." He's not wrong, so I don't correct him. I wince as a small pain erupts from my lower stomach. "Are you okay?" He asks, brows pulling together in concern.
"Yeah, yeah. So what are you doing tonight?" He takes in a sharp breath, looking at me nervously. My brows raise.
"I'm going to dinner with Liv and her family," he answers. Oh. I didn't know they were back together. It doesn't surprise me; I saw the way she looked at him that night she was here. Marissa didn't seem to be much of a fan. Him being with someone else feels weird, but not bad. I'm happy for him.
"That's great. You are back together?"
"Yeah. Things are going really good," he says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. The muscling in his bicep flex as he does so. Gosh, those things are beautiful.
"Well, don't let me keep you any longer. Go get Cinderella," I tell him. Oh god, I hope he didn't take that as me teasing her. I'm sure she's a lovely girl.
"You sure you'll be okay on your own? I shouldn't stay until Marissa gets back?" And go on in this uncomfortable environment? Hell no.
"No, I'll be good. Thanks though."
                         ~Atticus's POV~

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