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~Atticus's POV~

This feeling, this feeling right now, laying with her like this for the first time is something I don't want to loose. I haven't felt this relaxed and content in months. After what happened with Liv, starring another relationship was something I'd put on the back burner until now. She's already proved untrustworthy with lying for her family about the shooting, but yet I'm considering letting her in. There's no point in trying to ignore what's between us. One of us ends up breaking eventually.
Looking at her up close for the first time, I notice things I hadn't before. Sprinkled under her eyes and on her nose are light freckles that aren't visible from afar. Her long lashes fan out on her cheeks, curling at the ends. One hand is placed on my chest, the other under her.
"I should get back to the dorms," she mumbles, half asleep. I continue running my fingertips up and down her bare back. She cuddles closer to my side, smiling into my shoulder.
"You could stay here tonight," I tell her, pressing my lips against her forehead. She shifts, moving her head.
"I can't. I have to leave in the morning," she says, her voice exhausted. Usually after I sleep with a girl, I'd gladly let them leave.
"It's my friend's dad's birthday tomorrow and there having a little thing for him," she explains. Her going back home makes me think of what other things she could do over there. I have no idea if she's in with that gang or not. "You could come with me if you want...as friends. It'd be nice to have someone to drive with."
"Yeah," I say, figuring this will bring me closer to her dad if I'm in the same town as him. "I can drive us. Alaric has told me about your driving skills."
"I'm a great driver. Has he died, yet?" Silence. "Exactly."

"I have some stuff for you to go over," Sheriff says, this time closing the door after me. I sit down in front f his desk, dreading leaving here. This morning I got lucky was able to come through the emergency exit instead of the front door to avoid Chelsey.
He walks around his desk and places something in front of me after grabbing it off his chair. I'm a little shocked when I look down to see a copy of Bex's dads records. I knew he was serious about doing this, but I didn't think it was serious enough for me to have to read up on him.
"I guess the gangs activity lately, specifically last night, took a turn. They were being quiet, but there was two drive byes last night; same house, different cars. Then later on, there is a report that a man, assumed to be African American, ran into the house and left only after a few minutes."
The more he tells me about last night the more I start wondering if I should tell him all that I really know so far. It's obvious that if we get him and a few others off the streets that town would be hell of a lot safer. And my mind also takes me to the possibility that Bex knew about last night. I doubt it, she was with me the entire day, but there's still that possibility nagging in the back of my head.
"What is all this though?"
"Family history, criminal record, things like that," he tells me. I nod, grabbing the heavy stack of papers. This case is getting me into more trouble than it already has. "You're free now." I get up and race out of his office, my eyes fixed on the records.
The closer I get the door, the more I realize I'm gonna have to see Chelsey. I'm really hoping she's not here for some personal reason. That hope is quickly crushed though when I see her sitting at the desk let usual. It's my fault for sleeping with a colleague, so I might as well face the damn music.
      "Hey," she says once I'm close. I force a smile, resting my forearms in the desk. "I'm sorry I ran out the other night; I was just hurt. But I understand, you were thinking of someone else. If-if you want, maybe we could actually get dinner sometime? That could better."
    I feel like punching my own self. How the hell am I supposed to answer to that. She's a super nice girl whose had a thing for me since I started at this office, but she's also not who I want. My grip on the records tightens from nerves.
    "I'm actually seeing someone now," I tell her. It's the first thing that came to mind. Bex and I haven't put a title to what we are, but I'm 98% percent sure something else will happen with us; that last two percent is to leave room in case her crazy ass wants to be stubborn again. "What's why what happened that night...did. It was complicated before, but-"
     "I get it," she says sweetly, giving me a very forced smile that isn't convincing at all. "I'm sure she's a lovely girl." She's something like that.
                           ~Bex's POV~

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