•Well Bend Me Over And Call Me A Whore•

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                             ~Bex's POV~

        The past week I haven't felt like myself at all. Alaric keeps commenting on how I've lost my sass, Marissa constantly asks if I'm okay, and even Pandora has stopped by to "make sure I haven't pulled the trigger yet." It feels like everything in me is numb, my emotions not present at all or way too strong for me to handle.
     I've drowned myself in schoolwork, studying for lessons that are yet to come. It's better to be ahead than stressed about it later. It keeps my mind off of what happened. I feel that maybe if he had sounded mad, not told me he loved me, it would hurt less. It feels like a thousand pounds is weighing on my chest, causing me pain.
     I can't get the night before we broke up out of my head. I had finally brought myself to be completely vulnerable with him, told him just how much it would hurt if he did anything, and he went and did what I said I was so scared of him doing. Was that his plan? Did he want to open up, show him my demons, then make me feel foolish for thinking he'd stay?
    Two days ago I was at the faze where I blamed it on myself, convinced myself that I was the problem. 'Maybe you just shouldn't of gone,' my mind has told me repeatedly and I began to believe it. It only took Alaric hitting me with a bread roller a few times to tell myself I didn't do anything wrong.
      "Are you sure you don't want to go with me?" Marissa asks for the thousandth time. She's ready to go to the gym in her neon pink sports bra and black leggings. I had contemplated tagging along, but it's better for me to stay in. Every time I do it seems something bad happens.
     "No, I'm good," I tell her. She nods sadly, opening the door.
    "If you need anything just text me."
                         ~Atticus's POV~

My way of dealing with the break from Bex hasn't been the healthiest. My urge to drink has come back, my mind constantly screaming at me that just one will erase the memory of her. The first night without her I actually slept on what had become "her side"; how pathetic is that. I was expecting to get some call from her crying, it's happened with every one of my exes, but it never came.
Chelsey has noticed the sudden changes in me, asking if I'm okay or need to talk; every time I just lie and say I'm tired. Thankfully neither Zav or Marissa have come over here. Marissa texted me the night of the breakup telling me she was going to "hire a human torturer, have him chop up my body slowly, make sure it's painful and slow, then make sure I can't be found."
Knocking on the door surprises me. For a minute, my heart starts pounding, thinking that maybe for some reason it's Bex, but the knocks were far too loud to belong to her. Opening the door, Alaric looks at me dead in the eyes. I cock a brow, looking at Tobias who stands at his side and Zav whose behind them. The sight of him makes my blood boil.
"What's going on?" I ask just as something crashes into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I stumble back, placing my hand over the area. Alaric pushes me further back by my shoulders, taking advantage of my hunched-over position. He walks in, his shoulders broad at his sides.
"Maybe you should take it just a little easy," Toby tells him, walking towards the couch with Zav. He stays quiet, just watching with his arms crossed. There isn't even a hint of humor on his face. Alaric looks towards his new boyfriend, cheating heaving up and down.
"Nah, he deserves what he's gonna get," he says, holding the end of the bread roller tightly, his knuckles turning white. I try moving away before it can make contact with me, but it wasn't far enough. Hitting me in the side, I wince. He gives the roller a break for a minute just to punch me square in the jaw with his left hand. Since when is he both-handed?
I manage to grab hold of his shirt, throwing him down to the floor. He keeps his knee bent while falling, so I'll land on top of it. Getting above me, I swing my elbow at him, not paying attention to how much impact I put into it. He grabs the roller with both hands again, standing with his foot on my chest to keep me down. Sweat runs down his forehead, licking his licks.
"How bad on a scale of one to ten how much pain are you in?" He asks me. I take a deep breath, glaring at him. For someone who looks much smaller than me, he's putting up a hell of a fight.
"What the fu-"
"That's my boyfriend," Tobias whispers proudly to Zavian.
"Seven," I hiss, hoping my answer will get him off.
"Well, let's make it a ten." Fuck. Somewhere between the time of saying that and beating me, Tobias turned around. Zav leans against the couch, still looking as unimpressed as before. Finally, Alaric stops and offers the roller to him.
"No, I'd rather just talk to him on my own," he tells him. Alaric gestures to Toby to follow him out, glaring at me on the way. I have every idea about why they're here, but I was expecting it earlier than it came. I force myself up from the floor, holding my side. "You're really fucking stupid, you know that?"
"You know this isn't any of your god damn business?" I snap, releasing a deep breath. Walking to the kitchen sink, I spit out the blood from when Alaric was punching me.
"It is my business because I know it has to do with me," he says, uncrossing his arms. I wipe my mouth with a paper towel, getting a headache already. "She didn't do anything wrong, Atticus. There has to be another reason, a reason she doesn't understand, that caused you to end things. I see the way you look at her, trust me I do because I hate it; so there's no way you'd just end it."
I walk back to the couch, this time sitting down. He stands in front of me with his hands on his hips, jaw clenched. "As I said, this has nothing to do with you. She and I had had our problems going on before the final straw, which did involve your dumbass. I just couldn't take it anymore."
He shakes his head, looking away from me like he's never heard something so stupid. At the time it didn't seem stupid at all to end things; I was avoiding more fights, jealousy of her friendship with my brother, being worried about her well being, everything. She makes me feel too much...maybe that's the true reason why I felt the need to stop things.
I let her open up to me in a way I wasn't ever expecting her to. She let me see her at her worst point when she was most vulnerable. The night before I called it quits, she told me her worst fear was me hurting her, and I did just that. I love her with my whole heart, never have I felt this way about a girl, but she and I have differences that I can't put aside.
"You're really fucking stupid," he says, looking at me with wide eyes. Just the fact that he's here is making me contemplate shooting him. Every time he speaks I get closer to going into the room to grab my gun. That would only make me as bad as him. "You're right that I didn't do shit, but you made her think you broke up with her for saving herself from getting arrested."
"She shouldn't have been there in the first place, but you brought her there!" I tell him. "If she just-"
"She's not a dog, you can't keep her caged unless she will act out. You know what, you just don't fucking deserve her."
"And you do?" I say with a scoff. He shakes his head.
"No one does." Well, he's right about one thing. "But she's not the kind of girl you leave because you "can't take it anymore." You learn to compromise and deal with each other differences. Did you even let her explain herself?"
"Of course, I did."
"Then that makes you look even worse. If they had gone with my plan, you would have gotten a lot worse than a bread roller."
~Bex's POV~

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