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                                (At lunch)
As we all get out of our classes we soon head to lunch.
As I arrive I see that Nikki got there first and already picked a table.
When I inspect the lunch room I see that she chose the table furthest from the flower scouts.
I don't acknowledge this to her as I know it will just worry her even more.
"Hey Nikki!" I say as I sit down, trying to cheer up the mood.
She looks at me and smiles.
"Hey max! Guess Neil is late again..."
"Well Tabii isn't The cause this time because sheds over their."
I say as I point to the table that they are sitting at.
"haha yeah..." she says in a awkward tone.
We than see Neil approaching us.
"Sorry I'm late!"
"Where the fuck were you?"
I say with my usual tone.
"Putting an extra lock on my locker to make sure Tabii dosent break in."
Said Neil with a death stare towards Tabii.
We than get up and get our shitty cafeteria food.
Though it was bad, it wasn't nearly as bad as what the quarter master used to make...
We then sit down and eat our lunches.

Sasha's POV
me Tabii and Erin get up and get our crappy pasta, or what ever they were serving that day.
When we get back to the table I come up with a brilliant idea...
"Guys, I have an idea for how we can get back at Nikki."
"Wait, what did she do to us again?"
Said Erin in confusion.
"Don't you fucking remember!?"
She washed up on our side with Neil, lies to us and pretended he was a girl,And after showing her nothing but kindness and hospitality she betrayed us!"
"Yeeeaaahhh, but that was like 4 years ago."
Said Tabii
"You need to learn to let go Sasha, stress causes wrinkles."
Said Erin with a loose tone of voice.
"Jesus Sasha! Calm the fuck down!"
Said Tabii, clearly concerned.
I than think to myself...
I need something to turn them against her, but what?

                (After school cuz I'm lazy af)

Max's POV

as the bell rings after the final class I get out of my seat and out of the classroom looking for Nikki and Neil.
I go to our lockers and find Neil, but not Nikki.
"Her Neil, do you know where Nikki is?"
"No, I thought she was with you."
Then without a word I go searching for Nikki, but I can't find her anywhere.
My hart soon races as I check my phone and remembered that my parents wanted me home at 3:45
It was 4:00
I soon forgot what I was doing and ran out of the school doors as fast as I could and raced back home.
I stood in front of my house door and checked the time once more.
I took a gulp and slowly and slowly opened the door.
"Look who finally fucking showed up."
Said a voice coming from the kitchen.
"Oh god."
I mumble under my breath.
I hear her stomping my way and think about running but realize she's faster than me.
So I can't do anything but just stand there and take it...
I cover my face in defense but she punched me in the stomach instead. (I know I shouldn't joke about this but she just pulled a uno reverse card on him lol)
This immediately causes me to vomit on the floor in pain throwing up whatever it was I had for lunch.
"Next time fucking hurry, and clean up this goddamn mess."
She says as she gestures to the vomit.
I would say yes mother but I couldn't immediately speak after that hit.
I was 14 sure, but she was much stronger than me.
After I could stand again I got up and got a towel to clean up the mess.
Than I got some cleaning supplies from the cabinet to clean up the spot.


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