Behind the walls

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As we sit down at our seats my heart continues racing faster than ever.
Ms.strider hands out the tests and I look at mine.
Jesus fuck were the questions hard.
A lot of the things on the test weren't even on the study guide for fucks sake!
Neither the less, I tried my best.
After I thought I was done I handed in my test and waited.
After ms.strider got back all the tests she than announced that we would get the results back tomorrow.
After that the bell rang and we all got out of the classrooms.
Nikki rushed to Neil and I stayed behind.
When I got to our lockers Neil asked me something.
"Hey, what's wrong with Wednesday?"
I then turn to Nikki with anger in my face.
"Nikki, What the hell did you tell him."
It wasn't more of a question as it was a statement though.
She looked at me with an awkward fake smile and spoke.
"Haha... I-I just said that you seemed off today and said it was something about Wednesday."
I turn to Neil and
"This is why I have fucking trust issues."
I mumble under my breath, half joking."
Soon the second bell rings and we all go to our second class.
(at lunch)
Just as soon as we all get our lunches the flower scouts walk by our table, almost as if on cue...
"Heeeeyyyy Nikki! Wanna spend lunch with us!?"
Said Sasha with an evil grin.
"Not reall-"
Before she could say anything Sasha yanked her by the wrist and before we knew it they dragged her into the bathroom and she was gone.
"What the he'll was that about?"
Said Neil sounding confused.
"They must have been dedicated to something because Tabii didn't even harass you."
I say in response.
" well whatever it is their doing, it's not good..."
Nikki's POV
As they dragged me into the bathroom I immediately knew what was coming...
"So after school just wasn't enough for you was it..."
I say as a mean response.
I thought they were going to say something in response but I was quickly proven wrong.
Sasha suddenly punched my face soon forming a black eye.
First I wonder why they would punch me there as I know that people would notice but then realize.
My mom dosent care, I doubt Max and Neil would do anything about it, same with the other campers from camp campell, and no one who dosent know me would do anything to help.
And the worst part is, Sasha knows this...
I contemplate fighting back like other times, but it's three against one and I can't outnumber that.
Then I just stay still to except what's coming next.


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