Part 55

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Okay so I know nothing about therapy, I only went with my sister to her therapy for her OCD one time when I was like 6 so... I don't speak from experience when I write this chapter.

As we approached the building my heart started beating faster and faster.
Was I-... was I shaking? What the hell?
We walked through the doors and I saw someone at the desk.
He looked to be in his early twenty's and was pretty short.
We approached him and he finally looked up from his laptop.
David was the first to speak.
"Hello! We're here for Max's appointment."
"The 5:30 one?"
He replied.
David said again, in his cherry ass voice.
"Go to floor 4 room 20."
(Haha see wut I did there-)
David nodded his head and we began to walk once more to the elevator.
We got In and hit the number four button and I could feel us moving upwards.
We stoped and when we got out started searching for the room labeled twenty.
Soon enough we found it and entered the room.
And the first thing I noticed was how colorful it was.
Their were flowers, animals, and other things were painted on it as well.
Their was also a coffee pot on a table against the wall, and a girl in the corner playing with what looked to be Legos built into cars.
I sat on to one of the chairs and waited.
Two other kids were in the room as well.
I looked at the cheep clock on the walk and it read 5:20.
One more strange detail I noticed was that their was... short blond hair scattered about the room.
What the hell?

(Time skip like 5 minutes later uwu)

I was still waiting and... holy fucking shit...
A mother. Fucking. Dog. Walked. Into. The. Room.
I guess that explained the hair...
It was a golden retriever with a red vest on.
The woman holding the dog was smiling and all the kids in the room went to the dog like moths to a light.
I'm pretty sure this was like a ritual to them at this point, but I was new, so I wouldn't know.
I looked at David with questioning eyes and he nodded Like he already knew what I was going to ask him.
I smiled and ran over to the dog who was now lying down with the three kids in the room now petting the dog.
I looked at the assumed owner.
"Can I-... can I pet-
Before I could finish my sentence she said yes.
"Yes, her name is Lucy by they way."
She said with a smile.
"Thank you."
I replied.
I dropped to my knees and started petting her.
I swear to god I could have cried tears of joy in that moment.
I fucking love dogs.
But just as they moment started, it had to end.
I heard my name being called from The side of the room.
I got up.
"Follow me please."
I looked back at David and Gwen.
Gwen mouthed a 'good luck' and David just smiled.
I smiled back and began to hide my fear
I began to follow her to a small, but colorful room.


Sorry this chapter was pretty boring, I'll try to make the next one more exiting.

Yes I am doing 2 a/n's fight me.
But I just wanted to say sorry cuz I thought I updated this yesterday but I dont think it published cuz I didn't have WiFi

K das all bai luv u all stay safe eat cake uwu

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