Part 22

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Tabii's POV
I was so fucking pissed.
Two days, two whole fucking days we were suspended.
I couldn't imagine how pissed Sasha must have been about this too.
I mean yeah, hurting Nikki was kind of fun but for the most part I didn't really want to do it.
I just went along with whatever Sasha wanted to do.
She was my friend and friends help each other.
But, I was kinda scared of her in the long ru-
No! Don't think those thoughts, she's your friend.
Erin was a backstabbing bitch who wasn't on bored with The Whole plan and that was her own fault.
But, you couldn't help but miss her...
After what you and Sasha did to her you can't help but feel horrible.
After she wasn't on board with the plan and bailed that day, Sasha needed to make sure that she wouldn't tell anyone what was happening to Nikki behind closed doors.
So, she came up with an idea...
We, we were going to scare Erin, that was all.
That was suppose to be all.
You can't help but miss the way things used to be.
When all of us were like usual friends.
I suddenly feel something wet on my face.
I reach to touch it.
Fuck, no.
I can't cry, crying for the weak.
Thinking this makes you break out into a loud sob.
Kind of like when you were all selling cookies and Sasha told you your eye patch was disgusting when you were ten.
You don't know why but that moment always stuck with you.
I somehow managed to calm myself down and wipes my tears away.
I just sat there in science we for about eight minutes contemplating my mistakes.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the doorbell ring.
Even though I was all the way upstairs in my room with the door closed I could still faintly hear it.
I was kind of confused because my parents weren't coming home for a couple hours.
After all, when my they heard about what had happened I'm pretty sure that they would avoid any contact with me for awhile.
Not to mention that they wouldn't ring the doorbell since they had the key.
I went downstairs to see who was ringing the doorbell. 
I opend the door and to my surprise it was Sasha.
Her eyes were puffy, she must have been crying.
But as for now she has a straight poker face.
She was trying to cover something up.
I was about to asked what she was doing here but to my surprise she was the first to respond.
"Ha-have you been crying?"
(Oof she just pulled an uno reverse card)
Fuck, I forgot.
I tried to change the subject.
"Sasha, what the hell are you doing here?"
She broke eye contact with me and looked away.
"Fucking, I don't want to be home right now."
"I-, okay. Do, do you wanna come in?"
She nodded her head and stepped in.
Something was off, Sasha wasn't herself.
She wasn't talking like herself, she wasn't looking like herself, she wasn't acting like herself.


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