Part 28

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The voice who yelled my name sounded, oddly familiar.
Fuck, it was Neil.
"Nikki said she didn't see you in class, are,-are you okay?"
"I M  F I N E  N E I L"
I just wanted him to stop talking to me to be honest.
But I had one question.
"Neil, what the hell happened this morning?"
I heard him take in a deep breath.
"Well, I was actually going to ask you about that too."
I was confused.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Well, A kid quickly came up to us and told us that you wanted to be left alone, and I just wanted to ask if you were okay. I thought you two knew each other so I left, I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"
"Neil, what did this kid look like?"
I could have bet that it was one of three kids.
"Well, he had blond hair, and looked pretty skinny."
Jack, I figured.
"Don't trust him."
"Just fucking don't."
We continue to talk.
"Can you come out of the stall?"
I was confused.
"Um, why?"
"I just wanna know if your okay."
I say okay and try to wrap my arms in toilet paper as quick as I could.
I come out with my backpack on and just stare at him.
"Dude, what's going on?"
"What the hell do you mean?"
"Well, just, this whole school year. You haven't been acting like yourself. This school is the first time we've met out of camp and you seem paranoid, scared."
"Neil I already told you I'm fine."
"I don't believe that for one second."
At this point I'm just fed up with all this shit.
I wash my hands and walk right past Neil.
Showing how mad I was.
As I walk out of the bathroom I see Nikki, she looks concerned. 
I also walk past her and just try to get to my next class early.
Neil will probably tell her about what I said in the bathroom.
Everything was going downhill, how was I going to fix this?
I crossed my arms and tried to make my way to my locker to get my stuff.
On my way someone tripped me.
Seeing as I was thinking about something, spacing out and my arms were crossed And I couldn't break my fall.
The fall hurt like hell.
I was actually kind of amazed that my nose didn't break.
I just tried to get back up as quick as I could and race to my locker.
I got my stuff and went to class, for once I got there early.
Today was just so confusing.

(After class)
I went out as quick as I could, I didn't want Nikki or Neil to catch up to me.
They were just going to ask more questions.
I open my locker and see a cut down white loose leaf paper fall out.
I reach down to pick it up.
I unfolded the paper and what I saw made my jaw drop.
I wanted to cry.

'What we did yesterday, is going to happen everyday now
You should be thankful I'm even telling you fucking freak


Fuck, I couldn't hold it back anymore.
I started silently crying.
No, no no no no no nonononononono
I can't do this, I couldn't do this this was to much.
I put a hand over my mouth as I continue to look an the note.
I would rather die than do this.
I fall to my knees without noticing.
I close my eyes and just hope that this will all go away.
Of course it didn't.
All of a sudden I feel a warm embrace.
I close my eyes and wait for a hit, or just anything.
When it didn't come I open my eyes and look behind me.
I get up and wipe my tears.
"What are you-"
"Please max, talk to us."
I'm confused.
I turn to face her.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
I hear her let out a sigh.
"The wild dog thing, me and Neil knew it wasn't true. Please, just talk to us, tell us what's going on! You've been coming to school with new bruises and cuts. Is it... is it your foster parents!?"
My expression turns to shock.
"W-What? Of course not!"
"Than who is!?"
I just stare into her eyes for a couple seconds, thinking of what to tell her.


Alone (camp camp)  *~DISCONTINUED~*Where stories live. Discover now