Part 61

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Okay sorry same thing as last time lot of switching POVS sry I just wanted to move the plot forward quicker
Max's POV (walking 2 school)
As me, Nikki and Neil were walking and talking about nothing I still couldn't get this fucking feeling to go away.
Thankfully, Nikki didn't bring up me barely talking to her yesterday.
So I guess that was good.
I wouldn't know what to say If she did.
It was... harder to talk to her without my face turning into a goddamn fucking tomato.
But neither the less I tried my best.
And hopefully she didn't notice either.
But then after I talked to her I would probably end up slapping myself or something because of how embarrassing I acted.
I... hope these feelings go away.
They will go away,


Nikki's POV
Well, Max's... weirdness should I call it? Hasn't gone away yet.
Maybe if he isn't there okay tomorrow then I'll ask him about it.
But I've still been really worried for him.
Well, more so then I already am...
He's not acting like himself.
But I feel like he might get defensive or something if I ask him about it, but I guess I just need to wait for now.

                               (Time skip)
Max's POV
I was thinking about what had happened last night and assumed only one thing.
It was those goddamn pills that we're making me throw up.
It was either that, or something else I don't know about.
I pretended to dry swallow them, but then went into my room and spit it into the trash.
I actually felt like sleeping tonight.
And with that I climbed into my bed and fell asleep, pretty quickly considering how exhausted I was.

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