Part 19

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Neil's POV
I honestly had no idea what the fuck was going on the whole goddamn day.
Max and Nikki seemed extra happy and barely talked to me the whole shitty day.
I felt like if this kept going on then we would drift away as friends and eventually cut each other out of our lives.
I didn't want that, I don't really have any other friends besides them.
I might ask them to meet me somewhere this weekend to resolve this.
But every time all by of them would leave to do god knows what , I would spend that time talking to Erin.
She actually wasn't bad at all...
She said that she was sorry about everything and we became good friends.
I still like her though...
(FrEiNd ZoNeD aGaIn)

Max's POV (Like 15 minutes later)
I was currently making my way back to the lunch room.
We had showed her the video and she honestly looked horrified.
She was going to do something about this, and that was all that mattered.
Nikki was currently in the nurses office at the moment, but she looked just as happy as me.
I walked back to see Neil talking to Erin again.
I decided not to break their conversation and walked to the empty table that you were sitting at before.

                             (Last class)
The bell rang and I grabbed my shit.
I went outside the classroom to my locker.
But before I could, someone stuck out there foot and tripped me.
I fell over and my shit scattered all over the fucking place.
I heard a couple of snickers from the side.
I got up and picked up my shit.
This was getting worse, anyone could tell.
I got up and didn't even bother to look at there face.
I just ran to my locker.
When I got to my locker I saw Nikki and Neil waiting for me.
"Hey guys!"
Neil said, waving and smiling.
I returned the wave and ran up to them.
I shoved my stuff in my locker and turned to face both of them.
"So, are we going to walk together or what?"
I said, half smiling.
To which Neil said.
"Well, I was actually hoping that we could meet up together over the weekend?"
Both me and Nikki smiled and said that we would ask.
After that we walked home.
As always I knocked on the door, but this time David was the one to open it.
I said hello and asked him if I could go out with
my friends on the weekend.
To which he asked what day, what time and where.
I told him that we would probably discuss it over text and I would tell him what we agreed on.
He said okay, with a smile, than I walked up to my room.
I did my homework and then pulled out my phone.

Max- u guys ask yr parents yet?

Nikki- not yet

Nikki- my moms not home yet and she won't reply to any of my texts ¯\_(° ͜ʖ °)_/¯

Max- O

Max- mk

Neil- wassup guys? (╯ ͡° ▽ ͡°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Max- TF kinda emoticon Is that?

Neil- idk man just found it

Max- so they said that they needed to kno where when and and wut time

Neil- k

Max- so...

Nikki- (╯ ͡° ▽ ͡°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Nikki- lol just found the emoticon Neil used

Max- 👌

Neil- 👌

Neil- k so I guess we'll just have to wait for Nikki to ask her mom and see what time works for her

Max- k

Nikki- k

And with that, I put down my phone and waited for them to get back to me.

Word count- 602

Lol that texting portion was really fun to make.
Also I'm very sorry about this but I won't be uploading as much as I used to since school just started for me.
That's all for now luv u all stay safe and eat cake uwu.

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