Part 18

813 21 21

We all sat down at the kitchen table, awkard as ever.
"So max, um sorry I didn't tell you this before, but Gwen and I kinda live together like... roommates.
This was so weird to me, it had been a couple of weeks after camp ended and I'm still here, back with these two people.
Though all my thoughts were racing inside my head, I stayed silent.
But of corse this wasn't anything new.
"Um, so any questions?"
Gwen said, she sounded confused, maybe it's because I haven't acted like my usual self.
My usual self would have insulted someone by now.
I did have one question, but it wasn't really important.
"Um, Are there any rules?"
David just stared back at me thinking.
"Just don't go on the carpet with your shoes!"
He said happily.
I nodded in return and Gwen added something else.
"And don't touch any of my fucking stuff."
I also nodded and they said I could go back to my room.

                            (The next day)
I woke up to my alarm annoyingly screaming 6:00am.
I rolled over to turn it off and got up.
I put on my sweater and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs to see that David was already up.
I went downstairs and got out of that house before anyone could talk to me.
I had skipped breakfast, but it's not like this was anything new, probably why I was so fucking short.
As per usual me Nikki and and Neil met at the tree and walked to school, talking about unless topics on the way.
This time Nikki was still wearing the same outfit from yesterday, the grey hoodie and black pants.
I could tell they were holding off on something, something big.
We got there and I took in a deep breath.
I went to my locker and noticed something etched into the paint.
It was small and barely noticeable from far away, but this was something I couldn't take off.
Maybe I could put a photo over it later or something.
I looked at my phone and checked the time.
Our first class started at 8:00am so we had some time.
It was kinda awkward because we haven't talked to each other since we came into the school.
That is, until Neil turned to me.
"Okay so can we talk about the fucking elephant in the room?"
To which I tried to avoid the question.
"Um, why do you mean?"
His reply shocked me.
"Oh cut the bullshit max! I'm worried about you, Were worried about you!"
Nikki nodded her head and I took a gulp.
I scratched the back of my neck.
"Okay I went into a foster family, I-I don't really wanna fucking talk about it."
I looked away so that I didn't have to look at there facial expressions.
I just heard a small
From what sounded from Neil.
Before anyone else could say anything someone caught me off guard and threw a fucking paper fucking ball at my fucking face.
How fucking typical.
It's not like it hurt though i mean, it was just a paper ball.
I turned to see who threw it, but couldn't narrow it down to anyone.
Everybody was walking too fast.
I pick it up from of the ground and put it in my pocket. (Y'all litter ain't gud)
Nikki and Neil didn't seem to notice though.
I let out a sigh and get my english text books.
I close my locker and awkwardly wait with everybody for the bell to ring.
It took about two more minutes of us just standing there.
Nobody wanted to talk after that, god it was fucking awkward, what is with this whole day!?
The bell finally rung after what felt like forever.
I went to class and sat at my usual seat.
And again, a paper ball hit me in the back of the head.
I picked it up and put it in my pocket once more.
I looked behind me and narrowed it down to the ten people sitting behind me, considering I sat close to the front of the class and there were about only five people sitting in front of me.
I didn't know all of there names but I did notice many things that I haven't noticed before.
Nikki had her head down and looked like she was sleeping, along with two other people, snake was in this class, and jack was in this class as well.
I still couldn't narrow down who it was though.

                    (Time skip lol)
After class was over I walked out and the next class was gym.
Neil wasn't in this class but Nikki was.
We walked to our lockers to get changed into our gym uniforms and walked out to the gym.
Our uniforms were all the same, dark red gym shorts and a white t-shirt.
(Okay so I'm not in high school yet and I don't ware gym uniforms at my school so I just made something up.)
Only one person ever noticed the cuts in my legs an sometimes my arms, that person was Nikki.
When she asked I just told her that there was an aggressive stray cat that I liked to feed.
And that was the last of that.
The first time I found out that we had to ware gym uniforms I was so fucking scared.
Eventually I realized that not many people cared.
From time to time I could get the occasional stare, but that was about it.
Or maybe they were staring because of how skinny I was...
We got to the gym and the whole way I don't see Nikki, I felt like she might of been trying to avoid me.
But when I saw her I found out why.
S-she had horizontal cuts all over her thigh.
I was mortified and caught myself staring, along with some other people.
I felt sick, why did I feel sick?
They weren't even that many, only about eight in total.
I decided not to talk to her, if I was in her situation I wouldn't want any attention.
She looked... tired, I wanted to help her.
And her eyes, why were they so empty? What was she feeling?

Alone (camp camp)  *~DISCONTINUED~*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя