Part 62

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For the first time in awhile, I slept well.
In fact, I slept like a fucking rock to be honest.

        (Oops Oops a time skip cuz I can can)

Nikki's POV (@ school)
I was thinking about asking him about it well we were walking, but eventually decided against it.
Maybe later...
I glanced across to see him on the other side of the room.
He seemed to be spacing out or something.
Not paying any attention like he use to.
I really wish I could help him more.
He tells me and Neil that he's getting better but on the inside I don't know if I completely trust him or not.
I know he's my friend and all, and that I should trust him but after all that's happened I honestly don't know if I can anymore.
Well, on the bright side for the first time in awhile when I'm looking at him he doesn't have bags under his eyes.
at least he got a full nights sleep, so that's an improvement.
But, that's still doesn't solve my question as to why he's talking weird.
Or, maybe he's just talking to specifically me weirdly...
Wait... what-, what if he hates me?
What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore?
What if he hates me because... I'm the one who called the police when he tried to... kill himself?...
I know I should bring this up with him, but I just don't know how!
No, I made a promise to myself that I would bring this up with him today.
And honestly, the sooner the better so that I don't need to feel this overwhelming paranoia or something.

Max's POV
I still couldn't stand to face her...
If I told her how really felt then, everything would be just so... awkward!
Or she could hate me, well, more so then she already does.
I've put her through so much.
Neil too.
I cant even beguine to imagine all the worry I've put them through and frankly, I don't want to.
I know its selfish, but the more I think about that the worse I feel about myself.
I don't know what o do anymore.
My life is a mess, I'm a mess, and I don't know how to keep in the fact that I like her.
I take in a deep breath.
I wish someone could just tell me what to do so I could feel better.
sometimes I just wish I was numb or something.
Before I knew it, class was over and she was at my desk.
I guess I spaced out so much I didn't realize it.


lmao not stopping till we reach part 69 lets get it
also sorry to dump all of my problems on to you guys but my 13th birthday is coming up next month but the thing is, I STILL FEEL LIKE A KID oof what should I do someone help I don't wanna be a teenager yettttt ( T ʖ̯ T)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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