Part 31

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Max's POV
I don't how long it had been.
But it felt like forever.
I was just laying there, staring at the ceiling thinking.
What was I going to do.
Could I go on like this?
Hot tears kept rolling down my cheeks.
It was silent.
I was too caught up in my thoughts.
I C o u l d n t g o o n
There was only one thing I could think of.
I made the first movement in forever and took out my phone.
I open the calendar and pick a date.
Two weeks from now.
Just two more weeks.
That was it.
Something about typing it.
Made me feel a great sense of relief.
...But how was I going to do it?
I thought about it for a bit as I narrowed down the possibilities.
I couldn't hang myself, it was too risky.
If I were to do it right, then my neck would snap on impact and I would die the second I stepped off of whatever I was standing on.
But, if it were done wrong.
Then I would slowly and painfully choke to death.
It was just too risky.
And considering how light I was, I don't think I would be heavy enough for my neck to snap on impact.
Then there was overdosing on medication.
Though I could do that, it would still hurt like hell.
It would feel like holes were being burned into my liver and stomach, and other organs would be painfully shutting down as well.
So overdosing was out of the question.
Then there was bleeding to death in a bathtub.
Oh god no, why would anyone ever want to go out like that?
Of corse not.
Then there was falling to your death.
It was quick and easy.
All you needed to do was fall off a tall building.
That was it.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Could, could this really work?
Silent crying turned to ugly chocked back sobs.

Gwen's POV
It had been awhile.
I think if I were to talk to max now then he wouldn't get mad.
I slowly walk up the stairs and gently knock in the door.
I thought I heard someone crying but brushed it off as something else.
I waited a couple seconds until I heard a sigh and some shuffling.
It sounded like he was getting off of his bed.
He opened the door and he wasn't even wearing his hood, I think at the moment he didn't care what I saw.
He also looked kind of mad, like I disrupted something.
His eyes were really puffy.
He had been crying, without a doubt.
"Max, can we talk?"
"About fucking what."
I sigh.
"You know what."
He looked more irritated.
"What is there to talk about."
He said this as more of a statement instead of a question.
"Max, I'm worried about you."
His face suddenly looked kind of shocked.
But then slowly returned to its original state.
"You don't need to worry, e v r y t h i n g s
f i n e."
Something about that last part.
I knew he was lying but I knew he was keeping so much from me.
"Max please I just want to help! You need help!"
I sort of shouted in that last part.
Then I heard a doorknob shuffling from behind me.
All of a sudden David stepped out.
Then he said-
"Is something wrong?"


If you have ever had any thoughts like this then please get help.
Or call this number- 1-800-273-8255
You matter, People care about you.

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