Part 51

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Max's POV
Since I was crying When everyone came up to me, I hated that.
But I couldn't do anything about I, they were just trying to help me I guess.
Did... they really care about me?
I still had so many questions, but I really didn't want to bring up specific topics right now.
I was probably going to ask them at some point though.

(Like ten minutes later)
They then went on to tell me that one of my legs was broken and that I had to stay in the hospital for at least two to three more days. 
I kind of frowned at that statement, but I guess it was required.
After awhile they made them leave because it was after visiting hours awhile ago already.
I was pretty sad to see them leave though.
After awhile I looked to my right at the wilted flowers and the note.
I picked up the note and read it.
It had pretty neat handwriting, but I couldn't quite put my finger on who wrote it exactly.

Dear Max, I don't know if you will ever read this, or wake up, but if you ever do I just want to say that... I'm sorry.

It was short, but still kind of surprised me.
What did she need to apologize to me for?
If anything, she needed to apologize to Nikki.
I hope she did...
I put the note back and laid back onto the bed.
I was still really tired so I ended up falling back asleep.

Nikki's POV
I felt like... a weight had been lifted.
I didn't feel like I did before and I'm grateful as hell for that.
If I were to describe that experience in one word it would probably be hell.
But I don't need to worry about that anymore!
Max was awake now and that's all that mattered.
No more not being able to fall asleep, no more crying at 3:00am, no more nightmares.
I was... finally happy again, and I'm sure Neil was too.
The day max gets discharged can't come soon enough.

                            (Two days later)

Max's POV
Today I was finally getting discharged, that made me kind of happy, but it didn't overpower the guilt I felt for putting everyone through this.
Not by a long shot.
Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night not being able to breath because of panic attacks.
It hurt.
It hurt a lot, but I needed to get through it, no matter what.
I heard my name being called from my right where the door was.
I turned my no longer stiff neck to see the same nurse that arrived on the first day I woke up.
"Your foster parents are here."
I nodded my head and looked at the clock.
It read 9:04am on the tiny cheep analog clock.
I tried my best to get up from the bed.
It was still hard to walk, but it would be way harder if I couldn't use a crutch.
I had to use them since my leg was still broken.
I tried my best to get up and walk to the door.
It took awhile, but I got to it, then out into the lobby.
There I saw David and Gwen smiling at me, and I faked a smile to go with theirs.
But inside the guilt was still eating me from the inside out.
I was already wearing my usual sweater and jeans instead of the usual hospital gown, that shit was cold as fuck.
I walked over to them the best I could and they met me halfway.
"Ready to go home?"
David said.
For some reason, deep down I felt like he was faking a smile too.
When Gwen visited me yesterday without David she told he that he was a fucking mess for the time that I was in a coma.
I'm sure she didn't mean anything of it at the time but inside it really added to my guilt.
We got into the car, or, 'camp mobile' as David calls it. with me in the back seat.
The ride was silent.
I don't think anyone really had to say anything.
Or maybe I was completely wrong and they had a lot of things they wanted to say.
But it didn't really matter.
What I was mainly worried about was going back to school.
God, I really fucking hope nobody realized that I was missing.
Well, of course some people would have, but I just hope that nobody spread any kind of... rumors.
I hear a voice calling my name.
It was David.
"We were thinking... were going to let you have the first two days off of school just to rest from... this."
"I-... okay."
Yeah, I probably needed it anyway.
That was about all we said for the rest of the car ride home.

                      (At thwa howse uwu)

I did what I usually did.
Laid in bed, thinking, then thinking turned to crying as quietly as possible.
I was just so... sad for the past two days.
I barely ate, and when I did it was because David and Gwen forced me to.
Nikki and Neil tried to talk to me as frequently possible.
Weather it would be on the phone when they were at school, or FaceTime, or sometimes they could come over here after school.
I'm pretty sure David gave them our address..
Sometimes when I think... I'm pretty sure there the only ones keeping me sane sometimes.
I honestly don't know what I would do without them.
I couldn't ask for better friends.
My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.
I tried my best to stop my quiet crying.
But if I were to answer in this state it would be painfully obvious  that I was crying.
It didn't matter though, it's not like this was the first time he's seen me looking like this.
I shakily got up, got my crutches my the nightstand and walked over it the door and opened it to see David.
"Max... have you been crying agai-"
"What did you need to tell me?"
I watched as he took in a deep breath.
"Your friends are here."
I tried my best to let out a fake half smile.
God, I hope he couldn't tell the difference from the real ones and that fake ones.
I watched as he smiled as well.
Walked our out of the doorway and tried my best for the staircase.
I looked down to see that the front door was already open and Nikki and Neil were already outside.
This time, I smiled for real.
I said as I finally stood in front of them, still with my annoying ass crutches.
I just hope that they didn't ask if I had been crying.
I think they already knew the answer by now.
"Hey max!"
Neil said.
They were also smiling.
"Did you guys.. wanna come in?"
I watched as they nodded and we went through  the usual routine of walking to the couch, or the kitchen table, or my room.
We eventually settled on my room and went upstairs.
Me and Neil were sitting on the bed well Nikki was on the floor.
Nikki was first to start talking.
"So... Max?"
I turned to look her in the eye.
"We kind of... have a question for you..."
I raised an eyebrow.
"Okay... What was it?"
Then Neil spoke up.
"Now... it's completely fine if you don't want to answer-"
Great, it was probably something I don't want to answer.
"But... is it okay if you tell us... the whole story?"
What? The whole story... what the he'll did they mean by that?
"He whole story?"
"Why we mean is... the truth. The truth on how you 'mysteriously' get bruises all the time, how you stay behind for some club, even though... we know your not, who is beating you and why-"
I looked over at Neil who was giving Nikki a fucking death stare.
I was honestly kind of speechless.
How the hell do I respond to this?
It's not like I could ever tell the truth... right?
I looked down at the floor.
"Max... it's completely fine if you don't want to right now..."
Right now... if I said no would they ask me again sometime?
"If I said no... would you ask me again another time?"
Neil broke eye contact and started to stare at the floor.
"Well... we would eventually like to know the entire story, not just the... filtered parts."
I was kind of shocked to say the least.
Like, what the hell would I even say to that!?
"I-... I-I don't.... it's..... complicated."
They I broke eye contact as well.
"Care to... explain?"
Nikki said.
Was I really going to do this? Tell them the whole fucking story?
Never, never in a million years would I have seen this coming.
Might as well get this fucking over with if there just going to keep on asking.


Hi I'm finally caught up uwu

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