Part 26

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I tried to clean up as best I could but everything was still so fucking visible.
I gave up trying to cover everything and just went home.
The walk home was only about ten to fifteen minutes, but it felt like years.
I hated being alone with my thoughts.
Sometimes they were crushing, sometimes they were telling me to do unspeakable things.
But every time I was alone it just reminded me of how empty I felt.
It felt like my world was ending.
I know it sounds cliché but it was true.
That was the only way I could explain it.
I've had this feeling for forever and I currently have no idea what it is.
I try to distract myself from this empty feeling but reality always hits me after.

I finally reach the house and tried my best to cover my face with my hood.
I reached my arm out and rang the doorbell.
"Hi Ma-"
Gwen answers the door and without talking I just walk in.
"Max? Is something wrong?"
"Something is always wrong."
I mumble under my breath, not sure if she heard it or not.
As I walk past her I notice in the corner of my eye that her eyes widen.
Fuck, she must have seen something.
"Shit what the hell happened!?"
She grabs my wrist and forces me to turn around.
Before I could get a word out and protest she yanks my hood off and looked like she was about to cry.
"C-can I just go to my room?"
She picked me up and plops me down in the counter.
I watch as she searches in the cabinets for something.
She grabs some hydrogen peroxide and gauze.
"Okay this is gonna sting a little."
I nod and she cleans my wounds.
After she was done she put everything away and stared at me, dead in the eye.
I felt so small at this moment.
And no, it wasn't because I was short.
"So, are you ready to tell me what happened?"
She crossed her arms.
"C-can I just go to my fucking room?"
She shakes her head.
"Not until you tell me what happened."
I try my best to make up a lie on the spot.
"O-on my way home I got attacked by a dog."
I tense up.
"THE TRUTH max."
I'm on the bridge in tears at this point.
I try to walk away but she prevents me from doing so.
"Fucking... s-someone from school."
Gwen looks at me and I think she starts to give up.
"Well max, it's not like I can just let this slide, I  know it doesn't seem like it, but I care about you."
I break eye contact with her and look down.
I seriously doubt that but okay.
I let out a deep sigh.
"Just let me go to my room."
She finally gives up and lets me walk away.
As I walk up I can feel her eyes staring at me.
I closed my door and lean on the other side.
I let my body sag to the floor and sigh once more.
Why did this have to happen?
I just hope she didn't tell David.
He would freak the fuck out for sure.


Alone (camp camp)  *~DISCONTINUED~*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon