Part 44

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(Five minutes later)
Nikki's POV
It was about 6:00am, it was during visiting hours at the hospital now.
I waited for the car to stop and went out.
Not waiting for my mom.
I opened the doors and went to the elevator.
I remembered what room he was in.
When the elevator went to a stop and the doors opened.
I went to the room once more and saw him.
Memories flooding back like last time.
I pulled up a chair and sat.
I sat for awhile.
Occasionally talking to him about things, even though I knew he wouldn't answer.
I knew my mom wouldn't find me either, she didn't even know where I was.
She was probably just in the waiting room on her phone or something.
I was in the middle of telling him how sad we were without him when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.
I then turned my head to look at it.
It was the door.
I watched as Neil came in.
"Oh, hi Nikki."
He also began to pull up a chair.
"I see your skipping school too..."
I replied.
It was silent.
I looked at the time.
I missed him so much.
His smile, his voice, his laugh, the way we walked to school together, when we would talk. You never know what you have until it's gone...
I didn't care about anything anymore.
"Max... please wake up..."
I said, almost a whisper.
Then more silence.
. . .
Suddenly the door busted open.
I didn't turn to look at it this time.
I only recognized the voice.
"Nikki! There you are! Were gonna be late to scho-"
She stopped in the middle of her sentence,
realizing the gravity of the situation.
The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Still not averting my eyes.
She didn't know how to handle situations like this.
She never had to.
That was pretty clear by now.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry but we need to go to school."
I shook my head.
That was when I turned my head to her.
She frowned and raised an eyebrow.
I had never acted like this, never.
She must have been confused as hell, but that was the least of my problems.
I heard her sigh and walk over to me.
She put a hand over my shoulder.
"We need to go."
I shook my head once more.
"I said no."
She looked mad now.
"I don't like this new attitude."
Wow, was that really all she could say?
I know it sounds selfish, but she really couldn't ask how I feel? Or how she could help?
No. She only worried about how I would treat HER.
I hated her.
I didn't want to, but I got up and walked out.
I could feel Neil staring at me.
I didn't want to fight right now.
I had no energy.
I just walked with her to the car.
I heard the beep of the car, telling me that it was now open and climbed into the back seat.
I watched as she put her key in and began driving.
I was tired, so tired.
Tired of everything.
I didn't wanna fight.
I had lost this battle.
We arrived at school, the first time I didn't walk, with max.
I got out and she said goodbye.
I didn't reply, I just got out and began walking towards the doors.
The doors of hell.
This was where max died.
I couldn't see it as anything else.
How could I?
There was something I had to do.
Something I had to do for max.


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