Helping you

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Aaahhh sorry guys if this chapter is trash,Cuz I tried to look up what a CPS call sounds like and what kind of questions they would ask and shit.
But I looked it up and nothing came up so sorry about that.

Max's POV
The phone started ringing and my heart started pounding.
Neil then put the call on speaker.
Almost immediately someone picked up.
A soft female Sounding voice picked up on the other end.
"Hello this is Child Protective Services, what is your concern?"
Suddenly Neil started talking.
"Hello I have some proof that my friend is being physically abused by his parents."
Neil said, sounding sure of himself.
Nikki looked up at me with a look of sorrow, shock and pity.
The lady on the other line then asked us if we were currently okay, and if they needed to call the police.
We said no and she then asked us for our location.
Neil gave it to her and she said that... somebody was going to come there?
I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to think, I was... frozen.
We all waited eagerly and looked out of Neil's bedroom window for a car, a person, or anything at all.
We all waited for about 15-20 minutes until a black car showed up.
The windows were tinted and the tires looked worn down.
Someone was about to ring on the doorbell, but we ran downstairs before they could, as to not alert Candy and Carl.
All three of us rush to open the door, Nikki obviously making it there first.
There, standing in front of us, we see a person with short dark amber amber hair in a pixie cut, a flannel scarf, a grey cardigan, bright red glasses, black shoes, knee high grey socks, and holding a clipboard.
They look to be in there late teens or early twenty's.
(lol I had lots of fun making this character.)
We couldn't tell if they were male or female, but it didn't matter.
They asked us if we were the ones who called and we said yes.
They then asked us who we were concerned about.
Unhesitatingly Neil points to me and our eyes meet.
They bow down to reach my height and they hold out there hand with a smile.
I shake it and in a soft tone they say,
"Hello, my name is Elliott, but you can call me Ellie.
I nod my head in agreement and ask me a few questions about what happened.
I tell her the whole story well looking at my feet.
I felt so small, so scared about what was coming next.
I saw her looking at my nose and she asked if I was okay going into the car and leaving my friends.
I say yes and we walk to the car, wondering if I had made the right decision.
All the while looking back at Nikki and Neil.
We got into the car and I sat in the back.
The car was neat and had that new car smell.
For once I felt okay, safe.
We drove for about 10-20 minutes until we arrived at a building.
It wasn't too big and it was grey and dark blue on the outside.
We walked in and god was it colorful on the inside.
The walls were painted with various colorful pictures of nature, iconic cartoon characters,
And lots of animals.
Ellie led me into a small room with a dark blue, comfy looking couch with two pink pillows on it.
Ellie assured me to sit down on the couch and when I did Ellie sat on a chair in front of me.
The room also had many bored games, books, and even some video games and a TV.
I had a feeling Ellie was going to ask me more questions

Word count- 645

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like two days.
What's my lazy ass excuse this time you may ask?
Well for starters two days ago I just got my Mara in (something that helps with your over bite)
And I felt like shit the whole day and the next day and it still kinda hurt.
Then the next day my friends invited me to go to six flags with them.
So that's what happened if You were wondering.
Just letting u guys know I didn't die.
K bai luv u all stay safe eat cake 🍰

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