Part 56

340 15 16

Max's POV
She led me into a small but colorful room with a comfy looking couch and chair.
There were games, puzzles and other things on a shelf up against the wall.
She motioned me to sit down onto the couch and I did.
I scrunched myself up into the corner of the couch, trying to take up as little space as possible, and she sat down in the chair.
"So... Max Was it?"
I nodded my head in response.
"Well hello max! I'm ms. Harper."
"How old are you?"
"I'm... I-I'm fourteen."
I replied.
"Okay max... so, how is school?"
It took me a second to figure out what I was going to say to that.
What the hell could I tell her anyway?
I responded with what I usually responded with to these questions.
"It's... fine."
I responded pretty quick.
I've been asked this same question one too many times.
"Max, I know that's not true."
I was taken aback.
"I-... yes it is."
She narrowed her eyes at me.
"Max... you can trust me."
I looked at her once more then back at the floor.
If I didn't tell her then she was probably jut going to keep on asking.
". . . It's been, a little hard."
"How so?"
I took in a deep breath.
"I assume someone already told you what happened..."
"What do you mea- oh... yeah."(kool aid man is shook)
"Just... after that everyone's been staring at me every time I go to school. And it, makes me really uncomfortable."
That was just the tip of the iceberg of the things I haven't opened up to.
But it was a start non the less.
"Have you told your foster parents about this?"
I shook my head.
"You should, it's a good start to opening up."
She said again.
I tried not to roll my eyes.
She asked many more questions like this and I gave my best answers.
"Okay max, um going to be honest with you. That... Empty feeling you've been describing, that's depression."
My eyes widened.
"I- what?"
She nodded her head.
"I'm afraid so."
"I'm prescribing medication for your depression, PTSD and social anxiety."
I didn't wanna take any medication.
But I guess I didn't have any say in the matter anyway.
After that I left the room and she went up to David and Gwen to talk.
I watched as she wrote something down on a slip of paper and give it to them.
They then called me over and we went back into the car.
"So, how did it go?"
David asked.
I mumbled a small "fine" under my breath.
We began to drive but, not to the house.
I noticed that it was a different way.
"W-where are we going?"
"We're going to Walgreens to pick up your meds."
Gwen said.
Soon enough we got them and went back home.
I noticed that my phone was buzzing.
Nikki and Neil were texting me.


Hi this chapter was semi-inspired by 'nobody really understands davekat'
Cuz I looked at it for ideas because I'm unoriginal as fuck. Oh and one more thing, can someone in the comments please comment 'let's MCfreaking loose it' because I just wanna see if anyone actually reads my authors notes lol.
Okay that's all 4 now luv u all and stay toasty lil breads.

Alone (camp camp)  *~DISCONTINUED~*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang