part 50

428 11 18

this chapter is trash.
That's all I have to say for now.

Neil's POV
Today was... weird to say the least, well, everyday without max had been weird, but I'm mainly talking about Nikki.
I mean, what happened has definitely took a tole on us all, without a doubt.
But she just seems... off... it's like she thinks Max is... dead.
It's like she doesn't think that he's going to wake up.
I'm growing more and more concerned for her each day.
She looked determined but also defeated?...
I can't exactly read what she's thinking about, it's like she has a poker face on all the fucking time.
It's unbelievable.
She looked, tired all the time as well.
I just hope that she... we can get through this.

Nikki's POV
I told him, I just put all the cards on the table and told him.
As expected, he had just about the same reaction as Sasha.
It was hard, having to stare at him and not hurt him like he did my best fucking friend.
So that was taken care of now, there wasn't anything else was there?
I just stood there in the hallway once more.
It was all the same.
I would say that I got used to this feeling of emptiness, but the worst part was that I couldn't.
It felt like it was impossible.
I took a deep breath.
All I heard was silence.
Maybe... I could do something to take my mind off of things?
Yeah, so something that I like.
Like just running around in the forest and scaring small kids... and adults.
I haven't done that in awhile, it would probably help with the overwhelming emotions I have.

Gwen's POV
It's been a couple days but I still ask myself the same question.
'Why didn't I see the signs?'
Was all I could think now.
He's going to wake up, I just fucking know it.
but everyday that passes by still leave the same question.
David obviously hadn't been any better either.
It's, hard to say.
But I just need to keep telling myself, he's going to wake up.
I took a couple days off of work to just think.
Has it helped? Probably not.
But I can't even begun to imagine what David has gone through.
He's just a fucking mess.

Max's POV ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ)
It was... Dark.
Where was I?
Was I... dead?
Dead.. what happened?
There was something coming towards me.
It looked scary.
Why do I feel so sad?
It was about to crash into me.
I jolted awake.
My legs felt numb and I felt really tired.
The air was cold and smelled like bleach.
It was too bright in the room and almost blinded me even though my eyes were squinted.
Where was I?
The last thing I remember, I... I fell and everything went dark...
Was... was I dead?
Why was it so cold?
I heard a beeping in the distance.
I took a deep breath of the cold air and tried my best to turn to my left to where I heard the beeping noise.
It was a little hard to see, but it looked like a... heart rate monitor.
What... what the fuck?
I tried my best to sit up, but it hurt like hell.
I felt... so sore, like I haven't moved in awhile.
My body was so stiff.
As I sat up I gazed the room.
I was... in a hospital.
No, no no nonononono-
I heard the heart rate monitor to my left beep faster.
Why... why was I here? Why? Why? Why?
I continued thinking the same word until I heard the door open.
At this point I was doing what I did best and was crying.
I tried to turn my stiff neck to my right where the creek was heard.
A lady with a clip bored entered the room.
At this point if this kept going on I was going to pass out soon from how fast I was hyperventilating.
I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was rushing toward me and put a hand on my back.
She tried to say words like 'its okay' and 'your alright' but it honestly did little to no help.

Nikki's POV
it didn't work, half of me knew it wouldn't, but did anything bring me joy anymore?
The only thing that happened was someone threatening to call the police until they saw that I was a kid.
I was sitting on a green bench now, kicking stones into the pond in front of me.
It hurt, it hurt a lot and I don't know what to do.
That's when something in my pocket started buzzing.
It was my phone.
I reached my hand to grab it and see who it was.
I expected some spam caller, but it was Neil.
I answered.
I said.
"Did they tell you yet?"
Neil's voice replied, he sounded, ecstatic. 
I wonder what he was so happy about...
I responded.
What was he talking about?
But the next words he said almost made me drop my phone.
"Max is awake!"
I was... speechless.
It took me a second to catch my breath.
"Neil, p-please don't tell me this is a joke."
"No of course not!"
I started fucking crying.
I couldn't talk.
I was just overwhelmed with relief.
I was just so happy.
I spoke and it sounded like I was choking on my words.
"N-Neil? Can you get someone to drive us?"
For the first time in forever, I was smiling.
He then went on to ask me where I was and that he was going to pick me up.
I was just overwhelmed with joy, and so many other emotions.
It was currently 9:32pm.

Max's. POV
After somehow miraculously calming myself down I managed to choke out the question I needed answered.
I knew this would sound stupid as all hell, but worrying about what others would think was not really a top priority right now.
I knew the changes were slim, I knew deep down that I wasn't, but I asked anyway.
"Am... a-am I dead?"
The worst response I could have gotten suddenly appeared.
"No sweetie! Your in a hospital. I'm sorry... this must be really confusing."
She looked down at her feet.
"You were in a coma for a couple days, and one of your legs is broken. We've contacted your guardians and let them know that your awake."
I looked down.
Wow... the world just hates me didn't it.
I looked at the nightstand I had best to my bed.
There were some slightly wilted flowers with a note.
I laid back down the best I could and just tried to breath for now.
I watched as the nurse sat down in a chair with a clipboard.
I assumed I was on suicide watch so she probably wouldn't leave the room anytime soon.
Gwen and David were probably on their way.
What the hell was I going to say?
What the hell were they going to say?
I tried to take in deep breaths to keep me from hyperventilating again.
But before I knew it there was a creek coming from the door.
I turned my head.
It was the two people I loved most in the world, standing before me with tears falling from both of there eyes.
They stood there for half a second.
Then Nikki ran fast as fuck towards me.
And without saying another word, she hugged me, probably unaware of how hard.
She was squeezing the fucking life out of me, but it was amazing to see them again.
Soon Neil also joined the hug well Nikki was still balling her eyes out.
I only said one thing, almost a whisper.
"Yeah... I missed you guys too."
I then hugged back.
We stayed like this for a couple minutes.
It was kind of awkward because the nurse was still in the room, but it's not like she could just leave.
Once in a while I would just hear her scribble something in her clipboard.
Once we all finally pulled back Nikki Gave a small awkard chuckle and looked back at me.
She looked like she was fucking shaking.
Her smile disappeared into a more serious look.
"Max... why did you do it?"
My smile disappeared as well. 
I looked away and thought for a moment.
...I-... don't really want to talk about that right now."
And after that it was an awkward silence, but overall we were so happy to see each other again.
It was still so... weird.
knowing that I somehow missed death.
Knowing that I just missed a couple days of my life.
Knowing that...
My thoughts were interrupted by a slam coming from my right and I turned my stiff neck to the noise.
It was David and Gwen, and, as expected they had tears in there eyes.
They both looked out of breath, but were both smiling.
They did what Nikki and Neil did and squeezed the life out of me.
But then again, I was still happy to see them.
It was pretty awkward after that.
Without a doubt I would probably be forced to go to therapy after this.
I didn't want to do that, but this is what I for messing things up.
Again, I asked myself, why does the world hate me?
I looked down, just thinking in the silence.
Thinking about what had happened, even after awhile, it still phases me.
That I didn't fucking die.
I felt something wet rolling down my face.
At this point I already knew what it was.


lol hi it's me the literal trash bag
And I'm back motherfuckers.
Okay so fucking, I know I said that for everyday I miss I would add 500 words to the 50th chapter but then I realized how long that would take, and I wanted to get this chapter out ASAP.
So I missed 9 days and cuz this chapter is 2000 words that counts for 4 days.
So the next chapter imma put 2500and I hope you all are okay with that.
Um, okay so imma dump all my problems onto u guys now cuz I'm just that horrible, I would have updated sooner but I've just been kinda sad lately cuz I just found out that the person I liked like someone else.
Okay so that's all for now and again I'm really sorry, but I'll post a 2500 word chapter tomorrow I promise.
Im skipping a part of class to write this right now so gotta go bai love u all stay safe eat cake uwu.

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