part 36

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                             (The next day)
Max's POV
I woke up and found myself at my desk.
I guess I had fallen asleep there reading the comments.
Most of them were all a jumble of 'we miss you!'
'Please upload it's been forever'
'love yr music'
And they actually made me feel happy.
I had actually forgotten it was Saturday, so that's also an up.
But looking back on the comments.
It was nice to know that some people cared about me.
I got up from my chair and went to check the time.
Huh, I usually wake up later.
I had more time to kill.
but what should I do?
I got some pieces of paper from my backpack, a pencil, an eraser and started drawing.
My 'parents' sighed me up for a lot of art classes in the past as an 'activity.'
So I eventually picked it up as a hobby.
Soon drawing turned into writing as I got bored.
I was writing... lyrics!
I guess listening to my old songs reminded me of this supposedly dead hobby.
It still phased me how I had forgotten how much I loved to write music.
And There, in that moment, I was happy.
For the time being.

Nikki's POV
I had woken up at about 6:00am per usual.
I didn't wanna waste this day.
I got up, brushed my teeth, and ate my breakfast.
All without my mom.
She was gone a lot of the time doing god knows what.
She could be working, or doing something else.
Hell, I don't remember the last time we bonded.
I feel like she didn't care about me a lot, and that I'm just a burden.
I kept thinking about this as I was eating my
Half burnt toast and really watery oatmeal.
But, I was also thinking about what I should do today.
I didn't really have any plans.
Maybe I could go to the park?
Or ride my bike to get some gum at the drug store?
Then I got it.
I should right a song.
(Okay I know this sounds cringy but...
okay no I have no excuse I'm just horrible at writing shit.)
I hadn't written a song in a while and today would be perfect!
After I was done eating I went upstairs to grab paper and a pencil.
There I took about a hour to come up with something.
I actually had this in the back of my mind for awhile.
Maybe I could sing it?

Neil's POV
I woke up and checked my phone
I yawned and got up to brush my teeth and eat breakfast.
As I was eating I was wondering what I should do today.
I mean, I didn't really have any plans.
I wonder what Max and Nikki were up to...
After I finished I went upstairs.
I wanted to play, play something.
I went in my closet (gUyS nEiLs iN tHe cLoSeT... okay sorry I'll stop)
And got my keyboard.
Not a lot of people knew this, but I loved to wright songs, and play music.
I never bothered to tell anyone though because they would surly make fun of me for my hobby.
And with that I actually began to write another song.


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