Part 33

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Gwen's POV
I finally told David.
I finally told him about max, about how he came home, what details I had left out and needles to say, he was shocked.
He feared the worst and it was apparent.
He then said what we were both thinking.
"Well, it's going to be hard if we want max to tell us what's going on..."
I strongly agreed with this statement.
We would barely tell us anything in general.
Hell, he barely talked in general ever since he got here.
Something was horribly wrong, and it's not just what's in the outside.
Every time I look at him, his eyes, their just so empty.
I mean yeah, he was a bitch at camp and made me get a refill on my anxiety pills twice, but I still cared about him.
Then I realized.
He didn't act like this at camp, so whatever, or more like whoever is doing this couldn't be at camp.
Then I kept thinking about this morning.
He somehow seemed... happier? This morning.
I don't know how to explain it, he just seemed a little more care free.
Which was good, but he wasn't completely out of the waters yet.

Max's POV
After school ended I went to the classroom I was suppose to go to for detention.
I knew Jacob would be mad but I couldn't care less.
Just a couple more days and I'm free.
Free from this hell that is my life.
I sat down in a chair and began spacing out.
Then I started thinking about... next Thursday.
I still haven't thought about where I was going to do it.
Whatever worked, it just had to be a tall building.
Tall enough to kill me.
Then it finally came to my attention.
Of course! Why didn't I think of it sooner?
The school building!
The roof had easy access, and it was definitely t Tall enough to kill me.  
Something about this thought, relieved me somehow.
Everything was all set.
Next Thursday.

Nikki's POV
I was sad, but also kind of mad too.
Max was being so distant.
Me and Neil figured that he just needed some space, and agreed to just let him be for now.
I suppose we were being a bit clingy.
But I was still kind of mad that max would just disregard us for now.
I feel like he's purposely avoiding us as well.
Whenever me and Neil go to get stuff from our lockers we don't see max.
I speculate that he's just waiting for us to get our stuff and leave.
So, I try to be quick about it so he won't be late for class.
Does, does he hate us?
I hope not.
Neil's just as worried about this as I am too.
Ever since this whole fucking school year started.
He's not acting like himself AT ALL.
something is horribly wrong.
I just hope that after this whole ordeal is over then we can all just act like this never happened.
And be normal friends.
Like always.


Ooooo for once I actually made an early update.

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