part 49

421 13 8

Nikki's POV
This was... weird to say the least.
I didn't know where I was, but wherever it is it's really fucking weird.
It looks like I'm on a bridge, with some sort of building next to it with a river under me.
Where was I?
As I look around I see a dark blue/black figure in front of me.
Not close enough to see exactly what it was, but not that far away to make out the simple colors.
I started walking towards it.
Walking turned to jogging, and jogging turned to running.
I got closer.
Whatever 'it' was, it had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
That's when I realized what it was.
I said softly.
I ran towards him.
Tears of joy streaking down my cheeks.
But the faster I ran the further he got away from me.
"No nonononono! Max!"
Suddenly the ground disappears beneath him and I couldn't see him anymore.
All I could hear was screaming.
Heart shattering screaming.

I suddenly jolted awake.
My face was wet.
Was... was I crying in my sleep?
Sleep... I guess I had fallen asleep.
I began to recall my dream.
I was on a bridge... with a dark blue figure standing far away from me.
I ran closer and... max?
I-I saw max in my dream!
And then....
No, no no nonononono I didn't want to see him die all over again.
I didn't want to see him die again!
"Fuck this."
I didn't want to think about this right now.
I got up and checked the time on my phone.
I didn't feel tired.
I didn't feel anything.
I felt like I was a waking corpse.
I wondered if I was going to see Neil today.
I know what I'm going to do today...

(At school)
Nikki's POV
I had just arrived at school.
Turned out Neil was going today.
We walked together, but didn't say anything.
We just walked there in silence.
I think he felt the same too...
Or at least, he really acted like it.
When I got there I was looking for someone.
Someone in particular.
I didn't see him at first, but then figured that I had the whole day to look for him.
I was going to do what max couldn't... stand up to them.
I got through my first class... barely.
Then my second, then my third.
It was lunch now.
That's when I was going to try to find him.
As soon as we got out of class I went straight for the lockers.
But to no avail.
Then I went to the lunchroom were a lot of the kids currently were.
I was in the middle of scanning the room when I heard the sound of someone tapping a mic.
I turned my attention to where it was coming from.
There, stood the principle in front of a mic.
I just stared from the back of the room, wondering what she was doing.
"Attention students... I have some very bad news."
The room quieted down, but I could still hear whispers like-
"Are they gonna take our phone privileges away?"
"Is a club disbanding? I hope it's not the cosplay club!"
"Is this about that kid who fell off the roof?"
But my attention stayed to where they were talking.
"Unfortunately... two days ago a freshmen attempted to commit suicide. Now, we're not going to name any names, but we just wanted to let you all know that... if anyone, wether it be someone you know or not, is struggling through a hard time... please help them.
And with that I saw her grab the mic and walk away.
I listened to the crowd of murmurs once more.
But all of them jumbled into one thing.
"It was that kid on the roof."
I didn't know why, but I just didn't have the energy to cry anymore.
I still felt the wave of guilt wallow up inside of me, but nothing showed on the outside.
That's when I saw him.
Sitting next to his friends.
Suddenly, I had forgotten everything else and was blinded my rage.
Rage against him.
I walked up to him.
No hesitation in my steps.
I sat down right next to him.
It took all of my will power not to strangle him at that moment.
They all just stared at me.
Probably all thinking the same thing.
'What the hell is she doing at our table?'
Would be my best bet.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
One of them spoke up.
He had blond hair and frankly, looked like an asshole.
I took a deep breath.
"I need to talk to you Jacob."
I say, turning to face him.
I listen as she lets out an annoyed sigh and the also turns his head to me.
"okay. I don't know who you are, or who you think you are but frankly, I don't fucking care. why don't you just run along and get. lost."
that last part kind of hit me, but then I just reminded myself of the task at hand, and that this was nothing.
I lowered my voice down.
"no, you listen to me. Come with me right the fuck now. We need to fucking talk."
I just had to keep in listening as they all started laughing.
It made me sick to my stomach.
How could they be so oblivious?
I had to resist the urge to hurt him once more.
This obviously wasn't working.
I slammed my hands into the table as I stood up and narrowed my eyes at them.
"I said, come. With. Me."
They stopped laughing.
"Fucking fine. What the hell do you want anyway?"
I forcefully grabbed his wrist and walked him to a secluded place by the lockers.
He was tripping the entire way too.
He and I were now by the lockers.
I hope he would feel just like I do by the end of this conversation.


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