32. If I Face These Demons, Where Will You Hide?

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CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO: If I Face These Demons, Where Will You Hide?

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CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO: If I Face These Demons, Where Will You Hide?

Harrington waits at the entrance to the foyer of the build, from the outside, I deem it adequate, at best. The billboards are up and working, the signage with LTD lighting is appropriate next to the grand logo.

Overall, after so many complications, it does look...good.

Unfortunately, nothing compared to Hong Kong's designs, which will finally receive the 'get-go' once I've seen the build here.

I had decided to allow the group to sleep in, leaving them in the hotel as none of them would want to get up for the early start. Not even Maximus, who seems to have really needed the sleep.

Jamison climbs out of the SUV first, eager to see Harrington's work. Stevens holds a hand out once he opens my door, I smile, grabbing a hold of it as I step down.

"What do you think?" I ask him quietly, nodding towards the build.

He furrows his eyebrows, concentrated, "Adequate." He murmurs, I smile and nod.

"Exactly what I thought." He nods strictly to me in answer, before using the earpiece to check the perimeter.

Finally, when Stevens deems the perimeter clear, we head forward, towards Harrington who presses a button on the door to unlock and open.

"Miss Parker, it's absolutely exquisite to have you looking at my final work." He says, going in for a hug, I smile awkwardly, bracing the hug as Jamison has the nerve to smirk.

I nod, towards Harrington as he opens his right hand and directs it to the doors, "Please, come."

I sigh, walking through the large foyer, which I must say, it does look quite impeccable. The different shades of grey, both light and dark, mixed with dark red furniture suits the place well, for an advanced setting.

I can't believe to admitting this, but my heart hammers in my chest in awaiting anticipation just as Harrington clears his throat, causing a trembling receptionist to press a button behind the dark glossy table, and open the next set of doors.

Each floor consists of at least thirty desks, fifteen offices and other necessary rooms for each level to work appropriately. Harrington presses the hundredth floor, smiling secretly in the corner as we wait in the elevator, also suited to the theme colours of the rest of the celestial interior Harrington designed.

I'm privately flabbergasted when I take in the office, my office for when I'm districted here. I look blankly at the lightly painted walls, three sides are pale grey while the front is a dark red, two small trees are planted in glossy pots in the corners.

"You've outdone yourself, Harrington." I say, glancing around the room as Stevens remains uninterested with Dion next to him on the couch.

"Thank you, Miss Parker. It means a great deal." He murmurs with a breathless sigh, no longer glancing at me as he admires his work.

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