Chapter: 25

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The knob jiggles in protest when I unlock it and turn around forcefully. Finally, after a few attempts, the door opens and I am surrounded by a familiar woody smell of the cabin. Closing the door behind me, I walk inside the cabin. I don't feel like drinking the milkshake, so I keep it inside the fridge for later. 

I am not an angry eater, however, I am an angry worker.

So after scrubbing every corner, and chopping the firewoods, I feel a bit better.

After realizing there no work left for me to do, I walk inside the spare room right across my parents' bedroom, which I have claimed as mine. Taking a shower I change into the spare pair of clothes, in the meantime, I hear my phone rings quite a few times. 

Walking inside the kitchen, I fill up a glass of water then leaning against the counter I drink it slowly. I am not feeling hungry, I don't bother making anything to eat. 

The moment I pick up my phone to check the time, it rings in my hand. Thankfully, Pops name flashes across the screen. 


"I just came back home, you aren't here," he speaks, "Are you at Kristan's place?" he asks.

"No, I am at the cabin," I sigh, "Maybe I will stay here for a while, I need some time..." I trail off.

"To cool off," he answers expectantly, "I knew when you will learn about Jeff's bail, it will set you off."

He knows when I am angry or sad or something bothers me, this is the only place I want to be. I find peace here.

"Yeah," I nod. I didn't tell him Jeff is not the only one who is the reason behind my anger.

"Okay, maybe tomorrow after work I will come by," he speaks after a moment, "We can do barbecue, or whatever you like."

"Sounds good," I smile, my mood slightly uplifts.

As soon as I hang up, my phone rings again and my mood goes down the hill.

I want to smash my phone on the opposite wall when I see Alec's name. The only thing which stops me from doing so is that I am too broke to afford another phone. All my saving, from my part-time job during my school, are almost finished and I will not ask Pops for money. 

Maybe I should do something about this money issue.

Leaving the phone in the living room, I go back to my room. Turning off the light I get inside the bed to get my much-deserved sleep. Because I was not able to get proper sleep as I was worried about certain someone. Someone who doesn't even care to leave a single message before disappearing. I think I was taking our friendship too seriously when, maybe, our friendship is just for fun for him.

Two days later, I am back to the person I am, my face held the uncaring smile for the world. The vulnerable Avery will always stay locked behind the walls of this cabin. 

Getting inside the car, I drive back to my home. 

I smile widely when I see Pops reading the newspaper, sitting on the wicker chair, on the front porch.

"Hey, whats's up, Pops?" I grin, my tone mimicking Bugs Bunny.

"Just trying to find my crazy granddaughter's picture with a wanted notice," he answers, without looking up from his newspaper, "For murdering a person named Jeff."

"Don't try to insult my intelligence," I scoff and sit on the porch swing, "I am not someone to leave traces behind. My act will be clean, that even the victim will not be able to find who killed them, if by some miracle they are brought back to life," I take a few steps back then raise my legs allowing the swing to move forward.

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