Part 1

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Head low Jaehyun walked through the corridors as bright chatter past him. He was in no mood for combat training after recess. Sighing, he threaded fingers through stringy hair. Thinking about it he wasn't in the mood for anything really.

"What the," he said as he felt his arm suddenly being yanked. Glancing up he saw dark eyes looking back at him.

"Sorry," she said softly and let go of him.

"It's okay," he rubbed his arm and looked at her curiously, "Uhm...Jennie?" and she nodded.

"So you know me?"

"Yeah my father's mentioned you and Chae never stops talking about you. Well...use to, "he said sadly and Jennie's eyes shifted away from him.

"Oh," she whispered and they stood in awkward silence.

"Is there something you need?" he asked cautiously. Jennie looked around and saw that they were alone.

"I actually want to speak to you about Rosie...I mean Chae," she said lowly. Face turning serious, Jaehyun nodded for her to continue.

"Do you know what they've done to her?" she said in a whisper. Jaehyun's eyebrows rose, "And do you know what...she is? I mean you guys are taking private lessons for the same thing right?" she continued in a rush.

Jennie was filled with so many questions. When they'd been discharged from the infirmary Chae had been nowhere in sight. Then they'd been given a vague explanation about Chae not being normal and that they weren't allowed to see her. Whenever she asked her parents they acted strangely and stated the king forbid them to speak on the subject.

"Has Chae ever told you...about herself?" asked Jaehyun. Jennie thought about the question.

"I know what her favourite meal is, that she wishes she could go to her home village more and other stuff. I'm the only one she's told about the magic lessons and even then she was vague about it," she explained.

"I see," said Jaehyun and looked back. Dahyun was probably wondering where he was, "So she hasn't spoken about being an androgyne and who her ancestors are?" Jennie shook her head. She'd never even heard of such a word.

"Okay. I don't know if it's my place to tell you this," he said hesitantly.

"Please. You must," said Jennie urgently, "I need to see her. Taehyung, my brother, he said that they've locked her up or something and I don't understand why," Jaehyun could see Jennie was deeply disturbed by it.

"Okay, let's go somewhere quieter," he said. Sending a quick message to Dahyun through telepathos, Jaehyun walked them to the far side of the third quad. Recess had only just begun so they should have time.

"My father he's Chae's teacher. He's Dahyun and my teacher as well but there's a difference. Day and I both come from sorcerer lineages. My dad being one too," and Jennie's eyes widened.

"That's so cool," she said and Jaehyun smiled.

"If only everyone thought so. Anyway, he's teaching Chae magi as well but he's also her teacher in a different way. He helps her contain her energy flows which is linked to her capacity for magic. Because of who she's descended from Chae has a lot of energy."

"However, her body isn't trained to hold that yet. He's helping her learn that. What happened to you guys was because she wasn't able to contain her energy and in turn magic so it overflowed into the environment. The only reason nothing too serious happened was because she was able to cast a protection spell over you guys. If not, you might've died or something," he said and Jennie's eyes went wide.

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