Part 2

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...The earth was charred and vague screams resonated. The beasts circled the ashen sky. Their black wings cascaded dark shadows as they flew. Glimpsing behind her she saw the fires still blazed. Covering her mouth, the coughing lasted no longer than a moment.

The ground sizzled as she followed her. Her black braids had broken free from their ponytail amidst the onslaught. Coughing again, she still could not believe that she had caused all this. Yet, here she was, following right behind her. Following her further in to hell.

"Have you changed your mind?"

The beasts screeched above them. But she heard her clearly. She stopped. Her back was still facing her, she felt her fingers trembling wanting to turn her around. She wanted her to face her while speaking. She saw hints of orange as braids tilted back. They gazed at each other until the beasts screeched again, flames beaming out of their mouths. Her eyes turned up at them, their eyes were on fire as well. When she looked down, her back faced her again. She continued to walk on, and she continued to follow her.

"Who knew," she heard ahead of her, "That such silence would hurt me so deeply," she watched as her head bowed. Heart spiking, she pushed forward. Caramel skinned fingers intertwined with dark brown ones. The beasts breathed out more flames as green eyes met orange.

"I...I'm not leaving you. Not ever," she said. She felt her squeeze her hand as a smile formed on her face. Her heart spiked again. As she gazed in to eyes of fire she knew she was prepared to burn for eternity. So long as it meant that she alone would be given this look from her. The beasts wings flapped. A sign to continue. Their hands remained connected as they walked. The sky darkened as the beasts raged on. Her chest panged as she coughed again. However, this time it felt unending and as she buckled down to the ground, she felt her heart constrict further...

Grasping her chest, Jennie curled over. Heaving, she felt her heart beat rapidly. Some moments passed as she remained in that position. Her head pained as her breathing calmed. Hunching down in the covers of the bed, she breathed out slowly, relieved that her chest no longer felt tight. Her eyes hazily closed. It was not until she felt a tugging on her shoulders that she awoke again.

"Jen, come on," she heard the voice say. Groggily, she saw Lisa and sat up.

"Jen, the carriages are ready. You need to get up."

Hand over her face, Jennie nodded. A film of sweat trickled down the side of her face. Her hair spilled in different directions as she laid back down. Jisoo entered the room and saw the brunette was not yet dress.

"Are you not yet ready?" she asked as she looked to Lisa who gave her a shrug.

"I'm sorry," murmured Jennie, "I'll get dressed shortly," she waved them off and they ushered out the room.

Fifteen minutes later, Jennie was dressed and a stack of scrolls in hand. Jisoo, Taeyong and Lisa stood outside as she approached. Rubbing her eyes, she saw the carriage doors were open.

"My apologies," she bowed, "I did not mean to keep you waiting," Lisa shook her head as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's fine," she said, "Are you feeling alright?"

Jennie gave her a small smile, "Yes, I am. I just slept uncomfortably."

"Dreams again?" whispered Lisa.

"Yeah but its fine," Jennie whispered back. Walking over to Jisoo she gave her a hug, "Don't go making crazy decisions without us," she said and Jisoo laughed.

"I won't," she hugged her again, "Best of luck with talking to your mom Jen. I know none of this is easy. Again, I thank you."

"It's alright Chu," she patted her back then moved to give Taeyong a hug as well. He helped her in to the carriage as they spoke to each other.

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