Raining Cats, Dogs, And.. Markers?

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Marker tried his best to hold onto his umbrella without getting trampled.

His legs were soaked and the onsalught of powerful overwhelming rain slowed him down. Trillions of raindrops splashed onto the ground, making it hard to hear anything.

Soon enouegh, his umbrella fell out of his hands, and he was stuck getting wet and running home. He had went on a hike, when suddenly it started to pour.

He painted, as he started to run blindly through the storm. He slipped, and slid a few feet before getting up. Now his face was wet. It was miserable.

He kept following the little path that he was following, hoping for some house he could stop at.

He just kept running, for what seemed like hours and hours. Then the path disappeared.

He slowed down as he reached the end of the path.

Why is there no path?

He set his foot over where the path abruptly ended. He closed his eyes as he let the force of his foot go toward the ground. But there was no ground.

He lost his balance and started plummeting down into an abyss.

Until he finally landed with a splat.

Idk what to put here, except there was a huge storm up here in Minnesota. Tons of rain. We had a little mini pond in the backyard xd. So yeah, that was interesting . Have a wonderful night everyone!

(Btw. I saw Ice's bfb 13 drawings, and I LOVE THEM SO DAMN MUCH.)

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