A Mistake, oops

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So I started writing something but didn't like it, so yeah. I wanted to post something so here. Expect much better next chapter.

"Hey guys! I heard that there is this haunted mansion nearby. I think we should check it out!" Bottle exclaimed, entering the room.

"No thats-" Black Hole started

"A great idea!" Pen exclaimed.

"I think we should check it out. I like a good spook once in a while." Tree chimed in.

"According to my research, objects that participate in a haunted mansion experience have a 82.3 percent chance of getting along better." Pillow added.

"No guys-!"

"Then it's settled. Mansion here we come!" Pen charged out the door, followed by everyone else except Black Hole.

Black Hole sighed as he slowly followed behind, making sure they didn't get into trouble.

"This is it!" Bottle exclaimed , running up to the front of the doors.

"Wow! This looks so cool!" Pen looked at the dirty, cobweb filled mansion, full of curiosity and adventure.

"Guys!" Black Hole started, starting to lose his temper. "Why are we going in a huanted mansion, if our team is about preventing death. Something could kill you!"

"Black Hole, I know you're the smart and rational one here, but you shouldn't really worry. How often do you see a REAL haunted mansion." Tree replied.

Black Hole stayed silent for a moment, then sighed. "Just don't get into any trouble." Black Hole bluntly said and floated away.

"Now that that's settled, lets check it out." Tree turned to the rest of his team.

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