April Fool's Day

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Pen groaned as he stretched his arms. It was a new day. He looked around his room. The light from the rising sun illuminated the room. He smiled, sitting up and slipping his shoes on..

Something snapped inside his show, pinching him hard. "Ow!" Pen shouted. He yanked his foot back and looked at what pinched him. It was a mouse trap. Ugh. Right. Today was that day. He could hear Blocky laugh maniacally from another room.

He pulled off the mouse trap and loosened his toe a bit, before making sure there were no more mouse traps and put on his shoes. He opened his door..

And he was then met with a huge splash of cold, icy water and a bucket. How could Pen have fallen for the oldest trick in the book? "ARGH! BLOCKY IM GONNA GET YOU BACK!"

Blocky slid out from the kitchen in a wheel chair. "Ay, it's April fool's day. I'm allowed to do this." He smirked, rolling back into the kitchen.

Pen growled, and looked at the wet carpet. "You better clean this up!" Pen shouted before heading back into his room to grab some new clothes.


Pen stepped out of the shower. Much better. As soon as he came out, though, Eraser entered the bathroom, drenched in water. They didn't say anything to each other as they switched.

Pen made his way to the kitchen. Blocky was leaning back on his chair and had his legs up on the table. He still had that smug grin on his face.

Pen started getting ingredients for some pie.

"Whatcha makin?" Blocky asked, sitting up.

"Pie!" Pen says.

"But why..?" Blocky says suspiciously.

"Why not?"

"It's not a breakfast food?" Blocky chuckled.


"Suit yourself, weirdo." Blocky returns to his idleness. Probably thinking of more pranks..

Oh was he gonna get it tonight.


Blocky stretched in his bed. Nothing like a nice nap to get energy for pranking. Before he could finish the prank, he needed to grab something from the basement.

He walked out of his room, and walked past the living room, to head downstairs. Eraser sat back on a chair, and looked up at Blocky. "Sure you wanna go downstairs? What if there is a murderer?" He teased.

Blocky scoffed. "I'm not a kid eraser. And your 'prank' isn't good." Blocky started walking down.

Eraser shrugged, a smirk on his face.

Blocky ignored it and trekked down the stairs. He made his way to the room his needed thing was in.. and on the floor was Pen. A blue ink puddle surrounded him.

Blocky stared for a second. Then laughed. Really hard. "AHAHAHAH! IS THIS REALLY THE BEST YOU GOT, PEN?"

"P-Please.. call an ambulance.." Pen crawled over, his voice weak. Blocky kept on laughing.

That is, until Pen touched Blocky with his hand. The blue ink was hot and sticky. "EWUH!" Blocky stammered back. That was real blood? What the fuck!

He heard Eraser scream from upstairs. But then his screams were cut off. Oh god. A murderer was in the house.

Then.. footsteps started echoeing from the stairwell. The murderer was coming down. Blocky cowered inside a closet, and stayed silent.

Eraser moved downstairs. With his newly applied mask, Blocky wouldn't be able to tell it was him right away. "Where are you, boy~" Eraser teased, deepening his voice to sound more intimidating.

Eraser gripped the fake toy knife, which had a stain of blue ink on it, from Pen's blueberry pie.

He ventured into the room where Pen lay on the floor. Pen looked up, with a smirk on his face and motioned his head towards the shut closet.

Eraser smirked. "I know you're in here, boy~" he sang, again. He inched his way to the closet, then, in one swoop, opened it. "GOTCHA!"

Blocky screamed, cowering in the corner, putting an arm up.

Eraser and Pen started laughing their asses off. "HAHAHAHAH!" They laughed in unison.

Blocky realized what was going on. Tears were in his eyes. He growled. "What the fuck you guys!" Blocky shouted, wiping away a few tears, and sniffling. He stood up.

Pen also stood. "Ay, it's April fool's day. We're allowed to do this." Pen winked.

Blocky screamed in anger and stormed upstairs.

Pen and Eraser kept laughing, and did a small high five.


It's not April fool's day, officially yet, but fuck it. Yes, the holiday everyone celebrates, April fool's day. Amazing, isn't it? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Goodnight!

(Join the discord btw hhnnn-)

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