Chapter 34

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"Good evening, Ms. Greene. You look ravishing," Michael's warm auburn eyes drifted over me.

I'd recognized Michael only from Grey's previous description of him and the Angelic aura practically pulsating around him. He had light brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard, eyes warm and friendly but alight with some sort of dancing fire I couldn't really ascertain. He was taller than me, maybe as tall as Grey.

"Good evening, Michael. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person," I pressed my lips together, unsure of what to do.

Do I bow? Curtsy or something?

"You look upset. Is something the matter?" He raised an eyebrow a little.

"No, no- I'm okay," I forced a smile, wiping the budding tears from the corners of my eyes.

Michael eyed me for a moment, his gaze drifting over my left shoulder.

"Azrael, how pleasant of you to join us," Michael's lips curled upwards slightly, his eyes turning a little colder.

"Michael," I heard Grey's voice resonate from behind me, but didn't dare look over my shoulder.

"Are Allison and Shamsielle here? And where is Suriel?" Michael narrowed his eyes at Grey, who merely shrugged, disinterested.

Shamsielle? Was that Siena's name before she fell?

"We're here. Hello, Brother Michael," Suriel hurried up to us, rather out of breath.

Siena and Allison followed behind him, a scowl prominent on Siena's brow. I could see her gaze holding steady on Michael, like a predator watching her prey before she attacked. I wasn't sure who would win if she went for him. Although Siena was a total badass and basically taught me how to fight, Michael was an Archangel, and one of the strongest at that.

"Ah, Brother Suriel. I was wondering where you'd wandered off to. And Allison- dear you look as lovely as ever. Sha-," Michael began, but was cut off by a low growl emanating from Siena.

"You know my name, Michael. Use it. And I'd suggest you used Grey's too. We don't like being disrespected," she grumbled warningly.

"Forgive me. Siena. And Grey," Michael acknowledged them both with a slight inclination of his head. "Now that we're all present, I figure it would be best to explain what these will do."

Michael outstretched the palms of his hands, holding two black twine bracelets, each with a silver cuff. They were as dark as the Hardened Hellfire chains that Lucifer had used to bind Grey on top of Granite Mountain earlier this year, but definitely less metallic. It looked like the Hellfire had been threaded into a rope-like twine and braided into the circular little bracelets before me. However, I knew very well what they were.


"I can assure you that these will cause you no physical harm. The second you need them off, pray to me and I will come remove them with Holy Water. They can not be removed by force. If you try to rip them off, they will become tighter. If you try to shatter them, they will become tighter. I must encourage you not to try to break them. They will hold your soul steady until you're strong enough to withstand it on your own," Michael explained softly.

"Will I be able to use my wings? If it's cutting off the full extent of my power, am I going to have any Angelic abilities to defend myself?" I frowned.

"You will. Because the Hellfire has been threaded and braided, it's less potent than it would be in say, a solid metal form. It should only withhold about 50-75% of your power," he smiled assuringly.

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