Chapter 6 - Frisk

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(Y/N)'s POV
This was my chance to take vengeance back, for all the innocent humans this monster had killed without any mercy, they only wanted the LOVE. I raised the knife and before I could do anything, I heard a voice behind me, "No (Y/N)! Don't kill them!" I looked behind me, it was Dream.

"What are YOU doing here?! I thought I told you to stay home!" I lost my guard, not realizing that the kid took the knife away. Before they could slash me, I quickly moved away in time but they were able to cut my cheek. "Dream! I don't need your help! Leave me be!"

"Please, (Y/N)! Listen to me, you have to forgive them!"

I glared at Dream, how does he even know how I feel about this? Losing the people that I cared about, all of my friends and family. I didn't listen to Dream and continued to attack, "Dream, I told you to go! I don't want anyone else to get hurt!"

Dream looked terrified, at my actions and behavior, but I knew what I was doing was necessary and for the good. But again, Dream is making me lose my guard again, "(Y/N)! Look out!"

Before I could notice, I wasn't able to dodge the attack, it was too late. The kid slashed me across the chest, blood dripping out of my cut and mouth, I fell to my knees, "I guess this is the end.... I'm going to head to Grillby's." I coughed up more blood, "Do... do you want anything Papyrus...?" I looked to Dream, "Tell the others goodbye." I smiled at him for the last time before turning to dust. "Goodbye...." My final moments are here, I'll be gone forever....




My body was covered in sweat and I was panting heavily, it must be all a dream. Thank stars, it was all a dream. I quickly sat up from the couch and looked at the time, it was midnight. That dream was so surreal, but I'm so glad that it wasn't real. I went to the kitchen to grab a drink of water before I went back to bed. That dream was something, haven't had a dream like that in ages. I finished my glass of water and went back to sleep on the couch. What a dream I had.

The morning came by quick and I was woken up by Papyrus, "(Y/N)...? (Y/N)... wake up." I opened my eyes and looked at her, "This morning, I'm heading off to training so, there's some pasta in the fridge." I nod.

Shortly after, she left the house and I continued to sleep. But not for long, "(Y/N)!" I jumped and opened my eyes to see Blue and the rest of the group, "Hi (Y/N)! I want to tell you that we're leaving! So bye bye!"

"Oh? Leaving so soon? Did Fell and Fresh get their clothes back?"

Fell nod, "You know it, bro!" Fresh said.

"Well, I guess I'll visit you guys soon...?" Blue nods.

"I hope you could visit all of the alternate universes!" Blue said brightly.

"Me too but... how do I do that exactly?"

"Well," Ink started, "Do you know how to make portals?" I nod, "Alright then, you already know the basics of it. If you need help, you can go to me and I'll show you all of the AUs." I nod.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now." I stood up and gave each one a goodbye hug. "I'll miss you all. I'll visit you guys some time." Ink opened a portal and they all left my universe.

Wow, what an experience that was. Never knew there were other versions of 'me' or different universes at all. It was long until my sister returned home from training and I told her about our guest, "Heyya sis, just wanted to tell ya that our guest left for home."

She was shocked, "What?! So that means we have to capture more monsters?" I nod, "Then let's go to our patrol!" She grabbed my hand then dragged me to my patrol.

And we're back at it again, the same old, good old. Back to patrolling and looking out for some monsters around. Once we got to my post, she told me to stay here and so I did but I fell asleep while standing up. She came back to me and startled me, "You told me to stay here but you didn't tell me I couldn't sleep."

She crossed her arms, "You know better!"

I giggled, "CHILL out, sis. You're SNOW fun sometimes."

"Sister, please!" She said annoyed.

"Come on, sis. You know that I GLOVE you." I winked.

"Enough with the jokes, sister! Go to your patrol!"

My sister went the other direction while I went to patrol within the snowy trees. And a lucky day it is, a monster kid came out of the ruins. As they were walking down the snowy path, I followed them behind the trees. Once they reached the bridge, I stopped them, "TURN AROUND AND SHAKE MY HAND..." They slowly turned around and shook my hand, getting shocked by it in the process, "You seem a bit SHOCK, kiddo." I showed them the hand buzzer, "The old hand buzzer trick! So anyway, you're a monster, right? That's hilarious! I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) the human, nice to meet you kid." I smiled. "I'm supposed to be capturing monsters right now but that's not my thing. My sister, on the other hand, is a fanatic for capturing monsters, but she's harmless. I believe that's her over there!" I pointed past the bridge and we walked past it, "Quick! Hide behind that conveniently shaped lamp!" I pointed to the lamp and they hid there, just before my sister came back.

"(Y/N)! Did you find any monsters?!"

"I think that lamp would help." I pointed to the lamp.

"That's nonsense! It's been ages since we've found a monster! Soon, when I capture a monster, I, the wonderful Papyrus, will join the royal guard! Now sister, I'll be attending to my puzzles! Tee Hee Hee" She left.

"You can come out now." The monster kid came out of hiding, "Hey, not to ask for much kid, but my sister has been feeling a bit down lately. She hasn't seen a monster for some time so I'm counting on you, kiddo. See ya around." I walked the opposite direction of where my sister went then teleported to where my sister was.

"(Y/N), there you are! I was finishing up a puzzle!"

I looked and there was nothing there, "What is it...?"

"It's an electrical invisible maze, of course!"

"What happened to that ice maze you made?" Then I noticed the kiddo arrive, "Hey sis," I pointed to the kid.

She gasped, "(Y/N)! Is that a monster?" I nod, "Oh wowie! Monster! You have come just in time! Here's a puzzle for you! It's an electrical invisible maze!" I looked over to the kid and gave them a few signals on where to go in the maze. "What?! How did you solve that?! My next puzzle won't be that easy! Tee Hee Hee." She skipped away.

I looked to the kid, "Thanks kiddo, for making my sis so happy." I smiled. They walked into the next area and I teleported to the area as well. "Heyya kiddo, didn't expect me to be here so quick?" They nod. "Anyway, I was planning to sell some fried snow, it only cost 5g. Want some?" They nod, "Did I say 5g? I meant 50g." They accepted. "Really? How about 500g." Still, they accepted the offer. "5000g, my final offer!" They were filled with determination to get the fried snow. "Oh, looks like you don't have enough money for this. It's okay, kid. This fried snow is already too precious since how expensive it is." I giggled.

The kid seemed great, they went through all the puzzles Papyrus made and had a nice time. Soon, they finally made it into Snowdin. Which led to the battle between them and my sister. But, the fight was all good, the kid showed her mercy and that's all I needed to know. I invited them to Grillby's for a bite to eat. We sat down and ordered our food, "So kid, I gotta question for you. Have you ever heard of a talking flower?" They nod, "So you know about it, the echo flower. They're all over the marsh, say something to them and they'll repeat it." They asked me more about it, "Papyrus, she brought it up a while ago. It was really interesting, sometimes when no one's around, a flower whispers things to her, flattery, advice, encouragement, prediction." I sighed, "Keep an eye out. Thanks for listening, kid.... Well, you pulled me away for some time. Grillby, put it on my tab." I stood up from my seat, "See you later kiddo." Before I left, I turned to them, "Stay safe, okay?" I walked out and went back home....

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